Scratches on furniture how to remove

Scratches on furniture how to remove

Scratches on furniture - a frequent phenomenon in families with young children and people who are constantly moving. How to improve the appearance of furniture and get rid of scratches? In this article we will tell you how to do it.

Barcode and wax

In furniture stores, such incidents often occur, and no one writes the goods in this case. Managers own some tricks that help to correct surface defects. Furniture bar is sold in accessories stores and allows you to remove small scratches and scratches. To do this, you need to apply to the chick and give dry. After that, polish the surface with velvet fabric.

Scratches on furniture how to remove

It is possible to remove defects with a lacquered surface with wax. It is solid and soft. To remove scratch, the tool must be melted and apply to a damaged area. After the substance is frozen, polish the varnish surface with a polyrol and soft tissue.

Scratches on furniture how to remove

Walnut and iodine

If you do not have special means to remove scuffs from furniture, use walnut. Clean it from the shell and divide into two parts. The kernel will scratch and leave for a while. After a few minutes, the spot will darken and approach the color of the furniture. After that, you can open the surface with a transparent varnish. If you have dark furniture, it can be renovated using iodine. Divide the alcohol solution with water so that you need the shade you need. With the help of a tassel, apply a fluid on the pothole or loss.


You can use mayonnaise to mask small cracks. To do this, handle scratching sauce, and excessively erase the napkin. Leave mayonnaise for a few days. During this time, the fats that are part of its composition will penetrate deep into the wood, and it will swell. As a result, the scratch will become less noticeable.

Scratches on furniture how to remove

Restoration of ferry

For the restoration of furniture, you can use couples, however, this method is risky and can spoil the wooden surface. Therefore, initially try working with steam on an inconspicuous area. If everything is in order, proceed to the removal of scuffs. Put a wet fabric on a wooden surface and spend hot iron on it. Under the influence of water vapor, wood will swell, and the scratch will disappear.

Scratches on furniture how to remove


Great teas welding perfectly with small scratches. For this, tea bag pour boiling water with two tablespoons and wait. When the fluid becomes dark brown, soak it with watts and swee the damaged area. You can fight damage with self-made mastic. For her cooking you will need:

  • wax;
  • turpentine;
  • alcohol.

Melt a piece of wax and pour Skipidar to it. When the mixture will cool down a little, pour the alcohol. After a complete cooling of the mixture, apply it to a damaged surface and scroll through the cloth moistened with kerosene. Instead of mastic, you can use the cream for shoes, but it is very difficult to choose the required shade. Polish the surface with wax or polyrolle.

Scratches on furniture how to remove

If you are afraid to spoil new furniture, it is better not to risk and entrust the work of professionals. The best way to remove scratches is a grinding with re-applying varnish. Such manipulation requires certain knowledge and special equipment.

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