How to clean up a soft furniture

How to clean up a soft furniture

Upholstered furniture - an integral part of modern housing. Stylish sofas, soft chairs and other representatives of upholstered furniture not only asks the designer style of an apartment, but also make the life of her tenants more comfortable. The only inconvenience of such a furniture headset is various pollution in the form of spots and a cluster of saws. So that the furniture always looked clean and tidy, there are many ways to clean it from various contaminants. About what means it is better to use and how to care for furniture we will tell in more detail in this article.

How to clean up the soft furniture from dust pollution

If you remove dust from wooden furniture, it is not difficult, then everything is more difficult with a soft sofa or seating. Pretty refreshing up soft furniture and completely get rid of dust, in which dust pliers often multipliate, in three ways:

  • In the first case, you will need a vacuum cleaner and a little time. Put on a special nozzle for furniture, turn on the vacuum cleaner on the average power or on the mode for cleaning furniture if it is provided. Carefully walk around the hurry vacuum cleaner, lingering on each site for 2-3 minutes. If there are pollution on the furniture, you can use the "Wet Cleaning" function.
  • Much more efficiently use the wet method of knocking out furniture. To do this, it is necessary to moisten any tissue in water, such as a sheet or bedspread, and cover the furniture. Then you need to knock out the furniture to the usual knocker for carpets. If the furniture has not been cleaned for a long time, spend the procedure 2-3 times.
  • Clear from dust, disinfection and refresh the brightness of the upholstery will help a steam cleaner. To obtain a good result, add 30 g of vinegar to the compartment with water and set the temperature regime at least 130 ° C.

How to clean up soft furniture - secrets

To remove severe contaminants on the upholstery, you will need a means for upholstered furniture or carpets, shampoo or liquid soap, rigid urine and water:

  • Divide a cleaning agent cap in a small amount of warm water.
  • Foam soap water with a washcloth.
  • Apply foam over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe upholstery, the strong spots go carefully.
  • Remove the remains of foam and fine microparticles of dirt with a dry cloth or vacuum cleaner.

How to clean up soft furniture from spots

There are many spots that do not output using cleaning products or soap solution. But it is not necessary to go to dry cleaning at all, because there are a lot of breeding agents that decide this problem:

  • Spots from coffee and tea: connect the part of the vinegar, part of the dishwashing agent and part of the water. Apply a sponge to the spot, and then rinse the upholstery with water.
  • Spots from fruits and berries: in a 1: 1 ratio Mix vinegar and ammonia alcohol. Clean the dirty place, rush the remnants of the means and dry the wet area.
  • Chewing gum: Using ice to freeze the cheer on the upholstery. As soon as it becomes a firm to the touch, squandals her remnants from the fabric.
  • Spots from alcoholic beverages. The heel from the wine should be output, in the same way as berry stains. Pollution from beer and cocktails can be easily removed with a soap solution or a cotton disk, moistened in vodka or diluted alcohol. To eliminate the smell of alcohol, spread the spoonful of vinegar in 300 ml of water and rinse the place emitting the smell.

Get rid of stains and dust is very easy. It is only necessary to choose the cleaning option correctly and try to remove stains immediately after their appearance.

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