Not often people replenish their wardrobe with top clothes. Buying expensive things not for one year, you should think about how to wear it right, keep and care for purchased purchases. Natural leather and suede suckers require special attention. The easiest, but expensive way to care - to pass the thing into dry cleaning. But if you want to go to certain knowledge and try well, it is very easy to clean the natural coat of the house.
Before starting the procedure, you should determine how to clean clothes. Remove small fresh stains with dry cleaning using ordinary eraser, bread crusts, semolina or starch. And the use of special tools and various solutions is suitable for removing solar salted and highly glossing surfaces. But before cleaning, the liquid agent should be tested on the invisible part of the product, better from the inside.
Leather coat at home is easier to clean than products from natural suede. But any remedy should be used with caution. Using dry cleaning, fatty spots are easy to remove with wheat bran, mankey or starch. These products easily absorb moisture and fat. Popping the spot one of them, slightly rub it with a napkin and shake. If necessary, repeat the procedure. From low-fat spots from the surface of the skin will help to get rid of the usual eraser.
Particularly careful care requires things from natural suede. Special brushes, sprays and aerosols for suede will be an indispensable assistants when cleaning the coat at home. To maintain a pile in the outflow and deliverance of dust on the dust, you can use the vacuum cleaner with the nozzle for upholstered furniture. Fresh spots will quickly disappear after the use of balls from breadfall (roll out the dirt from the stain, periodically changing them) or breadcrumbs (carefully wipe the contaminated place).
Summer alcohol with soapy water in proportion 4: 1, hydrogen peroxide (1 tsp) and water (200 ml), food soda with milk (1 tbsp. L. Per 1 glass of milk), acetic solution (1 l of water 1 Art. L. Vxusus) - these independently cooked solutions it is easy to remove spots on the suede oblane. It is much easier to care for the furry product. Taking advantage of wheat bran, you can get rid of stains, and combing fur with a brush for the fluff, give it a fresh and impeccable look.
If you purchased an expensive natural bunch and you always want to look gorgeous in it, go to patience and carefully wear, keep well and take care of her.