How to bring a gum from clothes

How to bring a gum from clothes

If you are fortunate enough to get dirty Favorite Outfit Zhvanika - do not despair. Chewing gum is not a sentence for clothes, there are several ways to effectively get rid of this pollution.

Pack the thing that requires cleaning, in a plastic bag and remove it into the freezer. After about an hour, chewing gum must move from the tissue alone. If the thing does not fit in the freezer (for example, you were stained with a coat), attach a piece of ice to the chew. After some time, the chewing gum will freeze, and it can be easily removed using a rigid brush.

The next helper in cleaning clothes from the chewing is the iron. Put the thing on the cardboard sheet so that the chewing gum is down. Turn on the iron onto the middle power and stroke the fabric until the entire checker sticks to the paper. If the track remains on the clothes - process it with a stain remover and send a wash thing. Instead of an iron, you can also use hot air dryer.

If the chewing gum moved not completely and there is a need to remove its residues - make sure that the fabric does not learn, and use the old toothbrush, moistened in one of the following means:

  • vinegar,
  • petrol,
  • acetone,
  • alcohol.

You can find special sprays for sale to remove chewing gum from fabric. However, their action is based on the freezing of a polluted surface, therefore it will be more expedient to use ice or freezer.

Perhaps the most sophisticated way of removing chewing from clothes is the removal of pollution with another chewing gum. It sounds absurd, but this method is quite effective. It is necessary to warm up a new chewing and stick-to win it to the evained tissue until the thing becomes clean.

If you are not sure that you can clean the thing from the chewing yourself - use the services of dry cleaning. At costs it costs more, but you will have a guarantee that clothes will be returned to the original state.

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