What to bring the spot from the grass

What to bring the spot from the grass

It often happens that the children are playing football in the street, falling on the grass, and return home with a very depressing to look at green spots. They are quite difficult to wash out, but it is a skillful hostess will not be difficult.

If possible, try not to put off washing later. Fresh stains do not have time to dry, and wash out the easiest. If not possible, for whatever reasons of their own to wash clothes in a timely manner will help you brine. For its preparation will need to dissolve in a beaker of heated water tablespoon salt. you can remove it by holding prostirnut and fifteen minutes in the stained clothing solution. This method is versatile. He will also help you to eliminate unpleasant stains from wine, grease and ink.

There is another way in which the spots are printed using denatured alcohol. In this case, moisten a cotton pad with alcohol, continue to rub the part with a spot as long as it does not disappear from view. After this procedure, you must wash it in warm soapy water.

Due to ammonia can be easily discolored, smeared with grass plot. Take a swab, thoroughly clean them green spot and then prostirnite clothes in warm water and detergent.


Another great method for the derivation of the spots produced by using vinegar. We take all the same swab or cotton pad, soak it in vinegar and wipe up to disappearance of dirty portion. Further rinse clothes in hot water.

Before breeding grass stains tight stretch the "problem" of land, fill it with boiling water and immediately wash the clothes by hand. When fail on the first attempt, try again.

If contaminated cotton fabric with grass stain can output both using the essences of bleach (teaspoon add a cup of water) and three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide. Please note that these two solutions have a tendency to eat away the color. Therefore, this recipe is applied only to the things of the white cloth.

Knowing what the means at hand to use when grass stains, you can easily forget about the bad kind of stained and spoiled things.

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