How to remove the spot from the oil

How to remove the spot from the oil

The problem of domestic oil stains sometimes can not handle even the most advertised washing powder. Do not rush immediately to say goodbye to a favorite thing, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the alternative and effective methods that will help to eliminate "fat trouble."

Due to its hygroscopic properties, starch perfectly cope with oily stains from vegetable oil. Cover the whole spoiled starch surface, cover the top of a cut of unnecessary clean white cloth, iron the red-hot iron several times. As the disappearance of the oil should be changed to pure starch used.


Gasoline and acetone can dissolve chronic oil stains without a trace. Carefully apply any of the substances on the defect, trying not to go beyond its borders. Around the oil should be treated cloth with warm water. Put on top of plain paper and iron iron. After the usual wash the thing for you. Do not use gasoline or acetone on silk, velvet and wool fabrics.

Neutral absorbents (tooth powder, chalk, sodium carbonate, baby powder, talcum powder) absorb excess fat is not worse than the salt. Apply any of the means on an oil slick, and purifying it gradually adding fresh portions of dry pure substance. After wash the thing. This method is suitable for delicate fabrics.

Use towels or toilet paper. Put any of the selected materials and a defect arising from oil, iron it with a hot iron. Replace wipes for fresh until oil stain is completely absorbed in them and does not disappear.

Salt has good absorbent and pulling the fat properties. Sprinkle the entire surface of the oil stains salt. In no case do not rub salt on fabric, you may damage the material. Hold on particulate greasy 20-30 minutes, then use conventional washing dish detergent.

A solution of ammonia and water (1: 2) to cope with the light spots on delicate fabrics and upholstery in the furniture from dense tissue try cleaning the stains using the ammonia solution, soap and turpentine (2: 2: 1).

Hatched oil stains on the delicate process the ammonia from the solution of warm water and glycerin (0.5: 1: 1). Incubate item with the treated stain for 15-20 minutes, then rinse in clean water.

Greasy oil stains on carpets fine to clean with a mixture of sawdust and ammonia. Sawdust soaked in alcohol, wipe the stain until it disappears completely.

To prepare the spot volume solution of warm water (0.5 L), and the bite of detergent (1 hr. L.). Apply the mixture on the defect and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then wash the thing already cleared.

Stubborn oil stains on kitchen linens (towels, pot holders) are well removed by means of exposure to clean utensils and plates - Sanita. Apply 40-60 minutes splitter fat on contaminated sites, then wash the thing in the usual way.

The best means to remove oil stains from any surface is considered mush of potato flour. Make a thick mixture of flour and water, apply it to a few minutes (until it is dry) onto the oil trail, then remove it and wipe the area with a swab soaked in purified gasoline.

If any of you have used methods did not help eliminate the defect safely carry spoiled thing dry-cleaned - it will help you for sure.

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