How to remove the polished stains

How to remove the polished stains

The polished spots appear on the tablecloths, clothes, bedding, mainly due to the usual diffusion and hurry of the owners. And, of course, spoil the mood. But it is not necessary to get upset, because there are a lot of ways to correct this trouble and not turn your favorite detail of the wardrobe or presented with mother-in-law pajamas in a rag for wiping dust. You just have to give it a little time.

To get rid of polished spots on white products, you can resort to bleaching, good, in our time they are pretty high-quality and do not spoil the fabric. It is necessary to dilute the remedy in a pair of liters of hot water and dug a thing for half an hour. Then rinse well. Better cold water. Some bleachs provide for this pouring the spots themselves. In this case, it is necessary to pour to it (dry) and wait ten minutes. For colored products, special stains and bleachs are provided. For example, Vanish.

Both for white and color things, suitable powder specially designed for such cases. Antinylin. It is divorced in warm water. It is only required to soak spoiled products for thirty minutes, and then wrapping as usual. You can buy it in a supermarket or a shopping store, and the cost is quite accessible to everyone.

You can save bright colored fabrics from such stains using ordinary medical alcohol. For this you need to dissolve 100 ml. This alcohol is in two liters of warm water and soak the product in it for an hour and a half. Then rinse and wash. Also suitable and ammonia alcohol. The principle is the same, dosage too, only the time of soaking should be reduced to fifteen minutes.

It is worth trying and such a recipe: mixed on one tablespoon of potato starch, washing powder and citric acid, add two tablespoons of large grinding salts and bring the resulting mixture to a porridge condition with warm water. On a stain (better from the wrong side), apply Cashitz and leave to sleep overnight. Then clean the product from it, rinse and wash.

Of course, it is better to take care that things do not linake, wash separately white, black and other colored underwear, in order not to spend time to correct their mistakes. And if these tips did not help, you will have to go to dry cleaning, where reanimation Products will be engaged in experts.

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