Stains on linoleum how to output

Stains on linoleum how to output

Linoleum - very practical, relatively inexpensive material for flooring. But as a result of careless use on flooring there are stains that spoils the appearance of the material. Change linoleum, so to speak, it's expensive and time-consuming. It is better to find options and easier to get rid of eye spots mozolyaschih using tools and rags. Let's learn from experienced housewives how to remove the dirt from the floor.

kinds of spots

Depending on what kind of spot you put on the cover, there are a variety of substances that are effective in removing them. So, what are pollution:

  • grease stains;
  • yellow rust stains and black mildew;
  • contamination of food (tomatoes, mustard) - a frequent phenomenon in the kitchen;
  • stubborn stains green fodder;
  • ink contamination or children's drawings markers;
  • stains from the wax, shoe polish, black strips of rubber soles;
  • contamination from iodine and food dyes.


How to clean linoleum from various spots

Worst of all get rid of the green stuff. If the liquid gets on the cover, it is desirable to immediately begin the purification procedure. Take cotton and dip it into hydrogen peroxide, then wipe up until the spots will not remain on the surface of the material. If you need to change the cotton wool and again Dip it in peroxide. Using the same method you remove the remnants of dried paint.

If as a result of cooking oil dripped on the floor, take a soft towel, pour on it a little liquid dishwashing detergent and rinse the remnants on the linoleum. Turpentine will relieve Dried grease stains. Excellent means of rust and mildew - lemon juice, as it has the bleaching properties. If citrus was not at hand, then apply a "white." Incidentally, this same tool removes traces of coffee, tea, iodine, herbs on the surface of the linoleum.

Stubborn traces of mustard, tomato juice are washed with a weak solution of hydrochloric acid. Observe safety rules when working with this substance. Neutral alcohol or vodka washes drawings in ink or markers on the floor covering. Not to leave traces on the soles of your favorite rubber shoes, shoe polish, gasoline, apply and then thoroughly wash the floor, otherwise the room will spread an unpleasant odor. To remove the frozen drops of candle wax, take a dense and at the same time a soft cloth, fold in half. Then cover wax and heat the iron. Attach it to shred. As heating of the wax begins to melt, it will only have to remove it from the linoleum surface. Sticky contaminated sites by adhesive tape on the coating easily wash vegetable oil or a means for washing windows.

Daily care of linoleum

To your house was clean and cozy, it is necessary to keep order, do wet cleaning. It is advisable to wash the floor every day. Linoleum, as well as other floor coverings, the day becomes clogged. Caring for them is simple enough to sweep the garbage and wash the floor with warm water. If the dirt is washed off, but not all, use detergentsThey impart an aroma of freshness, and most importantly do not leave streaks.

However, the above methods of removing trace contaminants are not always effective. In this case, use the following option: take a sandpaper, a pumice stone and gently rub away the stain. True, this method has a drawback - upper protective layer linoleum erased. should not engage in this procedure often, otherwise you'll have to change the cover.

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