How to withdraw ink stain

How to withdraw ink stain

It is important not to hesitate with ink stains, the longer they stay in the tissue - the harder it is to remove them, as they are deeply fixed in due course. So if you are a few minutes ago accidentally "put" a stain on clothing, get a paper towel or cloth and press it strongly to the fabric somewhere in half a minute. Never rub the ink "blobs" and does not soak with water - this will only make your problem, and the spot will increase in size. What do you do next?


So, use alcohol (medical or technical):

  • A small piece of cotton or sponge, moisten the usual alcohol.
  • Firmly press for a few seconds wool or sponge to the spot;
  • Repeat this action several times, the best alternating cotton and sponge.
  • Fresh "cotton wool" soak the usual cold water and remove any residual alcohol with clothes, let it dry. If stain remains - once again return to the alcohol, which is perfectly valid only on the dried surface.
  • Further, when the spot is not noticeable, clothes can be washed using the powder.

Hair fixation spray

Now try hairspray:

  • Directly under the spot put ordinary towel, which is not a pity to throw.
  • Apply hairspray to the very "blot".
  • Once the stain even slightly dissolved - dab a damp cloth, but do not rub.
  • Continue this procedure: Splashing paint and "dip" to the cloth until the stain disappears completely.
  • Next, the clothes can be washed, but only in the cool water, as the high temperature promotes spots in clothing villi forever.


For natural fabrics using ammonia:

  • we do ammoniacal solution, wherein the mixing proportion of alcohol to the 2 1 st ammonia;
  • we soak the stain with the solution and wait a couple of minutes;
  • then neutralize ammonia itself conventional vinegar;
  • further, as always, wash clothes in cold water.

Stain removers

Use special tools - industrial stain removers:

  • Be sure to read the instructions and follow it precisely.
  • For the most "hopeless" case well suited "OxiClean ™", especially for removing stains left by permanent marker.
  • If this does not work, or you are afraid to bring "blot" on their own, then take your clothes to the dry cleaners.

Dry cleaning

The dry cleaning find out whether it is possible to remove your spot. In most of these companies use a very strong means not available to ordinary customers, as well as special steam unit. It should be noted that almost all the blue spots are easily removed, but Black can not be eliminated. So if you value your clothes, never use a black pen.

Useful advice

And finally, a few valuable tips:

  • To remove ink stains from cotton fabric can be used in Fig.
  • If your whole thing is white, then you can try and strong bleach.
  • For light apparel you can use hydrogen peroxide, which is in any "home medicine cabinet."
  • For dipping not only use napkins or paper towels, but also an ordinary gauze.
  • To eliminate the "blot" on the skin apply glycerin, which then need to delete an alcohol solution.
  • Many modern pens are filled with a new kind of ink that can be washed off - just cold water, so check the internet with no luck Do you, in this case, not as if you have a pen.

Even the most accurate people are not immune from accidental ink stains. Very often they exasperate school and university students, for example, leakage of pens in their pockets. However, things are not necessary to throw out or send "in stock" (to the cottage, repairs, etc.). As you can see by reading our article, there are many ways to get back to normal clothes. We hope all of our recommendations in the future, you do not even come in handy, but if you are now looking for a way out, then finally found it!

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