Sometimes habitual ballpoint handles begin to show depth inquiry, leaving on clothes it is difficult to derived stains from their ink. Often it can be observed in hot weather when an indispensable accessory can easily "flop." If you have a similar trouble, take the material of our article. Today, you will learn how and what are the stains from the contents of such handles and unnecessary records made by them.
To use the methods described below, you will need: water, turpentine, alcohol is ammonia, acetone, milk, mangartee, acetic essence, hydrogen peroxide, lemon and oxalic acid. To remove the ink stain with white matter, it is necessary to be treated with a cotton swab, slightly moistened in a mixture of 1 h. Spoons of ammonic alcohol and 250 ml of warm water. Ends all the washing of the product in the soap solution. To clean color tissue, a mixture of ammonic alcohol and turpentar 1: 1 is used. It is applied on a stain with a cotton swab and left until it removes it. Then the thing should be solid in warm water.That's all. In fact, ink neutralization methods are still a lot, chemistry is a rich science. Here we have listed the most accessible ones for home conditions. We hope that it will help you. See you!