Stain on the wallpaper how to remove

Stain on the wallpaper how to remove

Wallpapers are considered the most popular finishing material for the walls. Today they, unlike long-standing, are almost a work of art and fit perfectly in any interior. And how it happens, if any pollution appeared on the wallpaper. If it happened in your apartment, then do not despair. We will tell you how to remove different stains on the wallpaper. Keep in mind that the stains need to be removed immediately after their detection so that they do not have time to absorb themselves.

Fat stains

They often appear in the kitchen or in the dining room - places where they are preparing and take food. To bring fat from wallpaper by different methods:

  • With the help of ordinary chalk, which children write in school on the boards. Chalk grind in a small powder, fold it into the gauze and make a kind of tampon. Press it to the spot and fix in any way (for example, with a small book, undercapped with a long stick). The tampon with chalk can be swallowed with a warm iron - heat contributes to the stretching of fat.
  • Potato starch will help remove fat. Drain it with water to the state of thick sour cream and make this mixture. Leave starch on wallpaper hours for 10-12 - during this time it will dry, and fat is absorbed into it. Dry starch gently eliminate with a soft brush wallpaper.
  • Surely you have a calcined soda in the house. Mix soda (1 tbsp. L.) With water (1/4 art. L.), Apply a means to the flannel napkin and carefully wipe the stain. When fat leaves, wash the soda with warm water.
  • If the three of the above-mentioned means turned out at hand, then use soft toilet paper. Fold it into several layers, close the paper stain and start stroking this place with a hot iron. As oil transition from the wallpaper on paper, remove the dirty layer and make it so that the stains are completely disappeared.

Stains from fruits or vegetables

In the kitchen, wallpapers can be contaminated with cherries, strawberries or tomatoes. These red fruits are very juicy, and juice can be sprinkled on the walls. It is possible to remove such "delicious" stains with a lemon juice or a concentrated citric acid solution. Take it on the tip of the knife and divor into 1 tsp. Warm water.

Spots from Flomaster

They basically appear on the wallpaper in the nursery. It is here that your heirs felt-tippet are used not only to color pictures in notebooks, but also for "wall creativity". Since the traces from the marker will have to be removed by aggressive means, they are not recommended to rub them, but only rosary. The following means will help you:

  • Summer alcohol 3%. Make a few cotton swabs, moisten their ammonia and start deleting a stain. As soon as the first tampon elevates part of the paint from the marker, immediately replace it on clean. The procedure continue until the stain is completely removed.
  • Medical alcohol (1 tbsp. L.) Mix with citric acid (1 tsp.) And remove this mixture. Use several cotton balls or cosmetic sticks.
  • If your child's markers are not alcohol, but on a water basis, then use any oxygen stain pressure, for example, Astonish Oxy Plus. Apply it stain and keep such a time as indicated in the instructions.

Spots from ballpoint pens

Appear in the same children's rooms as well as in the working room of her husband or in the room at the grandmother when she solve crosswords. So that in these rooms it was clean, remove stains in such ways:

  • Make a weak pink manganese solution and mix it with 70% acetic essence. The ratio of components 1/1. Get involved in the usual stationery closure and put a little cotton on its tip - you will have a very thin rod. Finish the tip in the liquid and quickly, but very accurately, spend them along the line left by the ballpoint. The track from the handle pale, but a small halo will remain in his place. This divorce remove the pharmacy peroxide of hydrogen.
  • Today, a lot of stains of ballpoint pens appeared on sale, for example, "Expert" from Dr.Beckmann or Avel Hussard Detacheur Stylo Bille. They are intended for fabrics, but with their help you can try to remove stains from the walls. Only before the procedure, check the action on the wallpaper, smearing the means of their piece in the most invisible place (near the plinth behind the sofa).

Spots from water leaks

This is a matter of multi-storey houses when water seeps into the apartment from the neighbors living above or due to the leaks of the pipes between overlaps. Such red or gray spots will fail. They can be attempting to paint with water-free paint, but then it will have to be fully repainted.

In order for the stains on the wallpaper not to become your main headache, choose the wallpapers from which the contamination is much better to delete than with ordinary paper. In the kitchen area and dining room, the wallpaper is washable, and in other rooms - fliseline with a pattern or under painting. From the first spots are not very difficult, and the second in the case of contamination can be repainted. In the roller below, you can clearly see how to remove the stain method of the plywood of a separate wallpaper fragment.

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