Than laundering iodine

Than laundering iodine

Iodine - universally means for wound healing, cuts and insect bites, excellent disinfector, which is always at hand. Sometimes, migrating the wound, we accidentally pack iodine the skin of hands, face, clothes, as well as nearby objects. Instantly laundering iodine is very problematic. It is displayed within a few days. Therefore, to immediately get rid of stains, you need to know several correct ways.

Hydrogen peroxide

It is almost every first-aid kit. It is enough to moisten the wool with a hissing liquid and applied to the iodine spot on the skin. Keep five or ten minutes. The peroxide is a wonderful bleach, and it is able to quickly discolor a dark iodine. After you need to wash off with running water.


If the aid kit is missing hydrogen peroxide, you can safely use the lemon, which also discolores such spots. Let's squeeze fresh juice. Watch tampon and ten minutes are tightly kept in the right place. Possible combination of lemon with peroxide with both. At the end of three, a nearly noticeable stainless sponge to improve the result.


You can use the medical alcohol or spirits, which includes it. There are also special wet napkins with alcohol. We apply to the stain with iodine and keep no more than five minutes, because you can cut the skin with alcohol. After surely lubricate the cream.


An ordinary cosmetic scrub is able to clean the skin from iodine. But if it is not, you can independently prepare a mixture with the effect of peeling. It is enough to mix honey with salt and massage the place with a stain. Instead of honey, you can add any means for washing having a glycerol base. At the end of the procedure, apply the cream so that irritation does not occur.

Cream for skin

With any bold cream, we abundantly lubricate the place with iodine and leave for an hour. The cream should absorb. Three sponge and wash off. From the first time, the stain will not be wound, repeat the same several times. The replacement of the cream can be the usual olive oil.

Hot salt bath

The method is particularly good if iodine was at different parts of the body, and the usual tampons will have to flush it for a very long time. The easiest way to dial hot water bath, make salt and lie down in it. The water of high temperature will significantly soften the skin, which will allow the fastest to wash off the iodine. It will not be superfluous to wipe the washcloth with liquid soap.

Wash clothes

The method is suitable if iodine is dirty handbrushes or fingers. From washing anyway do not escape, so we combine pleasant with useful. After handing a pair of stuff powder, the iodine spot will become less noticeable or will leave at all. At the end of the hand with smearing cream.

Remove iodine from items and things

Iodine drops on the floor should be wiped with a cloth with a chlorine or with a cleaning agent. The clothes, evaporated with iodine, will be cleaned by five percent alcohol, as well as raw potatoes. Three it on a shallow grater and apply half an hour to the fabric. The grated potatoes also rub the metal and wooden items, suitable for washing the iodine from the table. Wash the kitchen table is the most convenient for washing the dishes or alcohol. Leather furniture should be cleaned with a special stain remover or a varnish removal fluid. If it was not possible to cope with iodine by all the listed methods, we buy a sodium hyposulfite solution in the pharmacy. We apply it to any surface and just wash off water.

As it turned out, the stains from iodine remain not forever, they are easy to withdraw from any item, things and skin. Therefore, you should not refuse to use it and worry about the purity of things. After all, iodine is effective, natural and very useful for the body.

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