How to wash the baking sheet

How to wash the baking sheet

How to wash the baking sheet? Of course, in order to make it and remove the solar stains, you can use radical methods and resort to the help of special aggressive cleaning products. The use of them will be effectively, but it is not advisable, because often the food prepared by us comes into contact with the surface of the opposition. Therefore, we will tell about the effective and safe ways to purify the opposition.

To begin with, you must take into account the properties of the material from which the baking sheet is made. From this will depend on the choice of the method that will be removed by the Nagar and dirt. The most important rule that you should always use: never for washing the surface of ceramic, glass, silicone, teflon and other types of antines do not use a rigid metal sponge. Even attaching the most minimal efforts to launder pollution, you damage the surface and apply scratches. After a time, the dirt will be clogged in them, which is getting harder every time. An exception for hard washing are anti-stainless steel and aluminum alloys.

If the contamination on the antihily occurred from the sweet (for example, as a result of baking), it is possible to wash them with hot water. Fill the entire surface with boiling water and leave for a few minutes to dissolve caramel formations. After 15-30 minutes, wash off all clean water using a soft sponge.

To remove small contaminants, use vinegar paired with water (1: 1). Write the whole baking sheet with acetic water. Place it in a hot oven (50 degrees) for 15-20 minutes. After worrying before cleanliness. Please note that for Teflon surfaces you can not use vinegar, use mustard powder instead.

Films of the solar fat Try to remove the mixture of hot water, soda and any detergent for dishes. Fill the entire surface with such a liquid, leave for 30 minutes. After worrying, using soap water if necessary. If the contamination is still poorly laundering, put a baking sheet with a mixture in a hot oven for 20-30 minutes. The released water vapor will help launder you not only the baking sheet, but also the oven.

Stains of pollution still do not wash away? Resort to more cardinal methods of purification. Use water, vinegar (instead you can take citric acid) and soda mixed in equal proportions. Apply such a mixture on the entire surface of the opposition, leave in this form for several hours. After the time expires, everything is very good with clean water and sponge.

The ammonia alcohol will help launder even the most emitted old dirt. Generously wipe the whole baking sheet naming. In order for the caustic smell does not apply around the kitchen, close the sheet in the oven for 10-12 hours. After rush everything to eliminate the unpleasant "aroma".

Pour salt from the contaminated surface with salt, learn it until it acquires brown. After hook it, wipe the sheet with a paper towel and wash. Such a cleansing is suitable for surfaces that are not afraid of mechanical cleansing.

The leader in laundering of all fat stains of fat and nagar is a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and soda. Make from these substances a thick paste and apply it for a while (depends on the degree of pollution) throughout the surface of the sheet. Then just look and wash the entire resulting crust, and with it and the entire nagar.

Do not forget that the best remedy for maintaining your dishes clean is prevention. We regularly wash the surface of your stove, and with it and neat. As soon as your dish is prepared, pay for a few minutes to launder the battle, and then you will not have to spend unnecessary effort and time to remove solar spots.

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