How to wash the cooler

How to wash the cooler

You are a big lover of hiking and picnics, then you will certainly be known for the sleeve on the kitel, a grill or barbecue. How to cope with the sage from the fire in domestic and walking conditions, let's try to figure it out.

To eliminate the sleeve, there will be various means of household chemicals containing acids, as well as rags, sponges, metal heroes, gloves.

After cooking on a fire, the dishes are covered with a soot raid, which is easier to laugh at once, less than a while. Here are some ways to wash Say:

  • Before use, soda the bowler or dishes with soap, and after cooking the soot will easily wash it with water.
  • In hiking conditions for helping you will come river sand. The cooled bowler or other ware ware swell with river sand with the addition of any cleaning for dishes and rinse with water.
  • If there is no sand or it is difficult to reach, but there is a lemon acid or a table vinegar in your arsenal, then they will also cope well. We rub the dishes with a cloth or a sponge dipped in vinegar or acid, we leave for 10-15 minutes and wash off.
  • More time-consuming method - metal rash. It copes well with the soot, but quite a long time.
  • You can also use the ashes from the fire. Mix the gray ash with a small amount of water to the casket state, well sweete the dishes and rinse with water.

At home, it has been well established in the fight against soot means to remove fat and soot from wind wardrobes and hoods. Hands protect gloves, these tools are very aggressive. Apply a means to a sponge, and then process the smoky surface and leave for 5-10 minutes, wash the water.

Grills and barbecue must be cleaned, because they are settled not only soot, and the fat, which overwhelms it, and it will be extremely difficult to remove it. And the lattice itself will become unsuitable for further use. For these purposes, special means for cleaning grills and barbecue are sold. The lattices are perfectly mounted with a metal rash with the addition of detergents, if you do not postpone the cleaning for later.

If you have a stationary brand or brick oven, then over time, the brickwork is covered with soak, giving a unclean type of structure. The most effective method of cleaning brick is the use of modern detergents designed to remove soot from any surfaces.

Several variants:

  • Apply a solution on brickwork, in accordance with the instructions, wash the water.
  • We delete South with vinegar. Each brick wipe the cloth moistened in vinegar, and rinse thoroughly.

Creative way to wash the soot - Coca-Cola. This drink is not only delicious, but also turned out to be very useful to eliminate soot. A richly moistened with a sponge in Coca-coland, treat the surface and let it stand, then wash off.

It's great to cope with the soaking steam cleaner if you have it. Clean the dishes, and grill grills, without the use of chemistry. Direct the spout of the steam cleaner on the contaminated surface and proceed until the soot deals completely.

The fight against Soch will not be a problem if you know how to deal with it. Clean and well-kept type of items for a hike or picnic always pleases the eye. And let all tourists admire the view of your brilliant pot.

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