How to clean the oven from fat and nagar

How to clean the oven from fat and nagar

The oven, covered with nagar and fat, delivers quite a few disorders and chagrins to housewives. When a plaque appears from the oven, there are few pleasant aromas and the smell of Gary appears. If you prefer frying in a pan - baking in the oven, then you at least once, but wondered - "How to clean the oven from fat and nagar"?

How to clean the oven from fat and nagar

The most effective way is to wash the oven immediately after use, while the fat did not have time to dry on the walls and grille. For cleansing you need - any detergent, rubber gloves, a sponge with a rough surface and a rag.

  • First, remove all the shelves and cover the fan if available.
  • Apply the detergent spraying or rubbing on the glass and walls.
  • Put the power of the oven for 30 degrees and warm the oven 10-15 minutes, during which time all fat will go away from the walls.
  • After that, rinse the oven with heavy water rinsing and wipe with a kitchen cloth.

With the residue of contamination, repeat the procedure. Many modern cabinet models have an independent cleaning system, it is necessary to simply turn on this function to get rid of the plaque. In the event that you are not the owner of such a worst wardrobe, and the solar fat does not want to dissemble from the walls of your oven, use the people's councils.

How to clean the oven for economic soap

When choosing a cleaning cabinet cleaning with economic soap, the alkali action will be the most environmental and harmless. Economic soap struggles with pollution no less efficient than acids. In addition, if the remnants of the means on the walls of the cabinet will be in food when preparation, alkali will have the least harm to the human body than the impact of powerful chemicals. Consider this fact, especially if there are small children in the house.

  • Sutitate a piece of household soap and place in the container with dense walls, for example, cauldron. Fill with water soap.
  • After that, turn on the oven and set the temperature mode - 150 degrees.
  • Place the solution in the oven and boil 40-45 minutes. A pair of household soaps have a sparing effect on a fatty and carbon monoxide, as a result of which they begin to separate themselves from a polluted surface.
  • Cooled oven wipe with detergent and rinse with water. To get rid of the smell of soap, leave the oven door open by 10-12 hours.

How to clean the oven Coca-Cola

This method is simple, safe and effective. As part of all the favorite ghazing "Coca-Cola" is present in large quantities of coal acid, which is actively struggling with old pollution.

  • Instruct in 400 ml of water 500 grams of table salt, then add 150-200 ml of soda.
  • Put the resulting solution into fire-resistant dishes and put on the lowest shelf of the oven.
  • Turn the oven by 180-200 degrees and boil in it tool for 30-40 minutes.
  • The boiling solution pairs softened the fatty flask, you will only wipe the warm oven with soapy and then wash off the remnants with water.

How to clean the oven from fat and nagar - folk remedies

In the fight against pollution, we offer your attention to the best selection of cleansing folk remedies that are always on hand at each mistress.

  • Bottle of hydrogen peroxide mix with 300 grams of food soda, the resulting mixture in the walls of the oven. Leave the solution for 1 hour, after which we rinse the surface with water. This method eliminates pollution completely.
  • Prepare a solution - 2 tbsp. Food soda spoons Mix with 2 tables of caustic soda and add 200 gr of any detergent. After that, apply Cashitz to polluted walls and glass of the oven and leave it for 30-40 minutes. After time, remove the solution with water. The caustic soda has the most caustic properties, spend all actions in gloves and preferably in a susceptible mask.
  • To clean the glass from fat - pour out the soda on a contaminated surface and wet slightly. After 30 minutes, remove the keshitz with a damp cloth.
  • The wrapped baking sheet will wash up the brilliance of ammonia, it is necessary to dissolve a chemical product with water and pour into a baking sheet, after 45 minutes, pollution will wash themselves with water.
  • Make a liquid cleaner from the dough and water burst, apply the oven to the contaminated walls. Leave for absorption for a couple of hours, during this time the disintegrator will turn the fat in the lumps that you can easily remove the grinding sponge.

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