How to wash the solar fat

How to wash the solar fat

Most of the average housewives are faced with such a nuisance as the solar fat on dishes, appliances and cooking areas. It becomes the source of an unpleasant smell, seating for bacteria and simply has an unsightly look. Sometimes it seems that it is impossible to rain this dirt, but there are several tricks that can help in this unequal struggle.

The first thing that comes to mind is if you started the general cleaning in the kitchen - it is to turn to ready-made detergents. Fortunately, in any stores there are now enough. Some of the most famous representatives of household chemicals to remove fat, dirt and plaque - Fairy, Sanita, Cillit Bang Anti-Kazhir, Mr. Muscle, CIF, Shumanitis, Pemo Suite, etc.

In network marketing, there are also funds that are in addition to efficiency, and as environmentally friendly and safe. For example, Amway has released several highly concentrated means to combat fat. Some housewives use liquid from auto chemicals. Korean fat fat "2000" will cope not only with kitchen dirt, but also with other types of unwanted spots.

Applying industrial household chemicals, do not forget about the means of protection. Be sure to use rubber gloves, apron, and in some cases a respiratory mask. This will help avoid chemical burns, allergies, spoiled manicure and clothing. After such cleaning, it will not be superfluous to carefully ventilate the room. If you are a supporter of natural "grandmother" methods, they also have a large set.

The most common old method that lived to this day is cleaning soda. If there is no risk to scratch the surface, then she, being a small abrasive, will cleaned the solar fat and returns shine and whiteness. On enamelled coatings together with soda, vinegar, lemon or citric acid are used. Their chemical reaction splits fat, and you will only have to wipe it with a rag.

Similarly, baking soda acts mustard powder. It is not only not harmful, but also, according to some data, is even useful for the respiratory system. Soak the dishes, baking sheet or stove in hot water and generously sprinkle with dry mustard. The resulting solution is a bold flap. And after you wash the mustard water from the dishes, it will shine like a new one.

Of the modern folk recipes for the fight against the solar fat, the tablet is gradually gaining popularity of dishwashers. One tablet contains a powerful concentrated substance. It is enough to dissolve 1 such a portion of 0.5 liters of water and wipe the contaminated surfaces with this solution. One of the most famous means for washing in dishwashers - Calgonit.

Not so long ago, a miracle remedy that removes any dirt from any surface appeared on the Russian market. Melamine sponge is just foamed melamine resin. Due to its unique properties, the sponge penetrates into the depth, destroys its structure and absorbs the remnants.

There is a lot of disputes about the toxicity of the melamine sponge. This item is gradually erased, which means that its part remains on the surface being cleaned. In order to avoid negative consequences, it is not necessary to wash it that part of the dishes that comes into contact with food. After using the sponge, rinse the surface with the usual detergent.

Laundering in the kitchen fat, which is no longer one day, remember that each surface should be an individual approach. On metal, ceramic, lacquered and plastic surfaces, it is impossible to be made with an aggressive iron sponge and fine substances of the soda type, people of suites, salt, etc. It certainly scratches the coating, which will lead to a more abundant cluster of dirt and fat in these places or the complete unusability of the subject.

Carefully rinse the dishes after cleaning any of the described method. Get a separate sponge or brush for this. Take care of clothes and skin. And the most faithful and easy way is not to launch your kitchen, where the default is cleanliness and order. Wash the slab immediately how it will cool after cooking. Do not leave dishes after lunch or dinner. And if suddenly time it is not enough for it, then just soak it with hot water. Remember, dirty kitchen characterizes a woman better than a clean dress.

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Olya 12/12/2016 at 6:40

Thank you, I will wash further ((

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Angel A. 12/12/2016 at 9:13.

Olya, what's the problems? I am in the oven fat stains fat brought simple and easily - Unicum greasedeller. In a matter of minutes, everything is glitter, although before that, than just did not try to rub these fat stains. And in the end and the minutes did not need. By the way, Israeli quality (if you are afraid of security) - Kosher certification is available at the means)

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