How to wash Gar

How to wash Gar

Education fumes and greasy with time becomes a real problem. There are dozens of ways to remove burnt food residues and to restore the kind of dishes. Apply the methods to be selectively, depending on the the composition of the material from whichmade dishes.

The oldest, effective, simple and cheap way to clean the dishes from complex pollution - it is boiled her in a special format. Take a large pot or large metal bowl, fill with water, add 5 Article 7. l. baking soda, grind on grater bar of soap and add to bowl. Fold back the dishes and cook on low heat for 1.5 3 hours, and after the running water rinse. The result will surprise you. The unacceptable method for aluminum products.

  If soot left on a small capacityThen fill the pan with water, add vinegar ratio of 5: 1, and some baking soda boil several hours at low temperature. Soda and vinegar soften the water and corrosive fumes, after which you will apply cleanser means and easy to remove pollution kitchen sponge.

  V if you do not have a suitable large containers, use cleaning gels. Wear rubber or plastic gloves, apply baked-on tool surface, leave 20 30 minutes, and then use a sponge. Carefully read the indications for use, abrasive substances are not suitable for aluminum and non-stick surfaces.

  For enamel and the iron metal surface can be used hedgehogWhich copes well with similar problems, but the pre-soak dishes in warm soapy water. You can improve and accelerate the process, use dry cleaning funds.

  If you live in a suburban area and you need to clean a large area that can not be boiled, you can resort to long-time proven techniques and purify fumes sand. Take a handful of the mound, put on a wet surface, soap sponge soap and carefully rub on all sides. After leave for half an hour and repeat the procedure. Rinse with water.

If it so happens that you want to clean from the soot non-stick product, buy in the store a special tool or just try to apply a mild soap solution.

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