How to whiten the bath

How to whiten the bath

We all know that over time the bath loses its original appearance, the enamel is covered with yellow spots, a hardwlock and even rust. Often, the owners of cast-iron baths are faced with such a problem. For whitening, acids based on acids and chlorine are suitable, as well as cleaning powder and soda.

An old yellowed bath can be laundered with special cleaning powders and an iron brush. To do this, you need a bath to moisten and 15 -20 minutes over the entire surface scatter the selected tool. Then go through the bathroom with iron brush.

For cleaning a new bath, any means with a cream basis are suitable. And although their composition also includes abrasive, particles are much smaller, so they do not damage the surface. At the same time, it is impossible to use the iron brush, since the coating of a new bath can be very damaging and much faster on the surface will begin to accumulate rust.

A limestone or rusty flask can be removed as follows. Contaminated places in the bathroom are pre-treated with cleaning powder, then thoroughly apply any means containing chlorine, for example: Quelyd "antiplest" or DOMESTOS. After 10-15 minutes, wash off warm, then cold water. When performing such a job, attention should be paid to precautions. Try not to breathe evaporations not to burn the respiratory organs.

Well remove strong pollution and at the same time bleach the bath of various kinds of modern sprays, as an option: CIF "anti-fall" or COMET. Different acids included in their composition easily remove the most resistant contaminants. Working with such substances, it is necessary to use gloves.

A huge number of cleaning products presented in the market are often misleading the buyer. It is recommended to choose known manufacturers - this is a guarantor of quality. Some of the most popular is Comet, Bref, CIF, Sarma, Domestos, MR Muscle. Listed manufacturers produce cleaning products for baths in the form of sprays, creams and powders. You can and independently prepare a mixture that is easily bleaching the bath: first mix two tablespoons of drinking with the same amount of soda calcined. These solve rub the wet bath and leave for 10 minutes. After the second layer is applied (without flushing the first): 50 g of vinegar and how much bleach. We leave for half an hour and after carefully my bathroom.

In order for the bath to remain white in the most for a long time, you need to remember one simple thing - the more often it is to clean, the whiter will be.

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