How to whiten Tulle

How to whiten Tulle

Air tulle curtains decorate the house, create an extra comfort. Traditional white tune color perfectly fit into any interior. However, time, dust, evaporation from cooking food and even sunlight lead to yellowing fabric. It is impossible to get rid of the route of the plaque. To help in the struggle for the old pearl whiteness of Tulle will come tools from the grandmother's chest.

Before applying any method of bleaching the curtains, it is necessary to wash or at least omit in warm soap water to wash off the accumulated dust. To wash tulle at a temperature not higher than 30 degrees, otherwise you risk leaving yellowness and sera on the fabric forever. Only bleaching procedure requires an increase in water temperature up to 40 degrees or higher. Avoid washing tuna with conventional powder. For this purpose, there are special means for tulle fabrics.

New Tulle, who has not yet received serious pollution, will be clearly cleaned in the first wash with the help of bleaching from the store. Any powdery or liquid tool that you will find on the shelves will be suitable.

In the future, the tissue of the curtain will require a more attentive attitude to the cleaning procedure. We will analyze several effective ways of whitening Tulle folk remedies.

Ammonia. To create a solution you will need:

  • ammonic alcohol;
  • 2 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide;
  • hot water is not lower than 40 degrees.

Mix all the ingredients in the pelvis and soak in it curtains. After 20 minutes, thoroughly wash the solution with cold water.


  1. The first method of whitening salt is very simple. Leave tulle in a basin with warm water, in which add 200 g of a stained salt. After 20 minutes of soaking, drag curtains for drying without rinsing and pressed.
  2. The second method of bleaching tulle using salt will require you to the following components: a boiling water, a handful of washing powder, a glass of salt. In the resulting solution to soak tulle 10 hours. Then rinse with cool water curtain. Wring the cloth after bleaching is not required, allow the water to drain itself.

Blue. Dilute blue by one cap in warm water. Earn blue dissolved completely and swam dark clots. Lower tulle podsinennuyu in water for a few minutes, then carefully rinse the fabric and send it out to dry.

Starch. The rinsing water add starch. This method will not only whiten the curtains, but retain their shape. Starch creates round fabric fibers invisible crust which will protect them from subsequent deep dirt.

Zelenka. Unexpected but effective whitening method. A glass of warm water will need 15 drops of green fodder. The resulting solution must infuse a few minutes, after which safely pour it into a basin of water for rinsing. Zelenki wash solution from the tissue is not necessary.

Any of the described methods of bleaching will return your curtains pristine appearance. And favorite tulle will delight you for years to come.

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