How to whiten the sole of shoes

How to whiten the sole of shoes

Lovers of sports shoes are often faced with the problem of pollution of white soles. A snow-white sole that makes sneakers or sneakers as stylish, with time yellowing or covered with black stripes. Do not hurry to upset or buy a replacement for your favorite shoes. You can clean the sole right now, using the means that will find in your bathroom, kitchen and even among stationery.

The fastest and affordable way to whiten the sole is to rub it with an eraser. For this purpose, choose a pure soft eraser so that it, removing the dirt, did not leave new dark divorces. Such a simple method will help you easily cope with black strokes, which arise with friction of sports shoes with borders, other shoes in a close bus and other objects.

Whitening powders and liquid means will also cope with the task of cleansing your sneakers. Dial in the pelvis of water exactly so much so that it covers only the shoe sole. Make a concentrated bleach solution, sprinkling it 2-3 times more than you use when washing. Immersed in such a solution, the sole will shine white in a few hours.

According to the scheme of action of bleaching for clothing, expensive stains work. If domestic bleaching agents may not cope with the cleansing of the rubber sole, then known foreign brands will come to help you.

Yellowing with soles will remove the usual dental powder or toothpaste. Just apply a paste on a wet brush and spend contaminated places. The most effective will be the use of a brush with a rigid bristle and a paste intended for teeth whitening.

If your house has a lacquer removal means, you can apply it. Apply a means on your cotton disk as you do it to remove a varnish with nails, and clean your yellowed sole. This method is not the safest, since the interaction of the chemical elements that are part of the tool, with rubber can lead to a damage of the sole. Before choosing this method of cleansing, spend the test: drop a little liquid in the place of the sole, which is not visible when walking. If no visible changes, besides whitening, did not happen, boldly apply this method.

Use citric or acetic acid. Vinegar must be mixed with water in a ratio one to three and wipe the sole. The powder of citric acid is simply confused on white rubber with a wet piece of gauze or a cotton disk.

As a rule, any of the above methods copes with problems of yellowed, sweat, contaminated rubber. If you could not remove the flare and black bands, seek specialized help in dry cleaning.

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Anna Un. 07/21/2015 at 11:49.

I didn't help these ways, I saved me the usual Pillet for Second Nail !!! If so no, you can take small emery paper. My sneakers are now like new!

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Irina 28/08/2015 at 22:41

Cool, Anna! But better grinding machine for nails, faster!

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darya 02/25/2016 at 18:47.

And what to do if there is no one at home?

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Helena 03/26/2016 at 2:09.

)) If there is no one, no other, but you want to pay very much, then you will have to buy at least a piece of sandpaper.

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Karina 01/04/2016 at 12:26

the nail file did not help. It's easier to smell paint. Means for removing varnish slightly whitens. But already better than it was. Considering. that my sole is 4 cm

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Alina 02/06/2016 at 13:21

Fifth way helped! Snow-white sole!

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Lucifer 08/07/2016 at 14:40

Helped ... paste. And he helped so that I am afraid to clean my teeth. If she was able to crystallly whiten the yellow sole with a centuries-old mud layer, then that this hellish makeup will do with teeth? 😀

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Lucifer 07/13/2016 at 22:28

Shopping soap! And then passed the paste)

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sonya 12/08/2016 at 7:06.

5 Method helped thank I am happy))))

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Yana 08/25/2016 at 17:23

And I have from 5 fashion, yellow stains appeared in the pricks in those places where I rubbed ... Better used I left everything as it is :(

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