How to flash shoes

How to flash shoes

If you have footwear, behind the sole, then it is not necessary to contact the repair shop. Small repairs can be done yourself, this does not require a special skill. You can, for example, easily with the help of sewing and hook to flash the sole.

Tools and materials that we need: resin or soap, scissors, seer, thin hook. If you do not have sewn, you can sharpen the needles and take advantage of it. The hook is best suited. It is possible to make it using a knitting needle or apply a steel thin wire with a neatly curved end.

Shoe repair

In addition, you will prepare the threads, or as they said before - the dust. A bitter thread is suitable with a thickness of 0.5-1 mm. To the thread did not have fallen and not fluffled, it rubbed it with soap or better resin.

It is necessary to schedule a line where the seam will be held, retreating the sole of millimeters five. If less - thread breaks from friction on asphalt. Line for accuracy draw a marker or a thin piece of soap. You must also not forget to remove the insole.

Shell protester the mark where we will make the initial stitch. Purchate the sole selection is required outside inside, observing the angle of inclination approximately forty-five degrees.

The cooked firmware thread is twice. Putle from folded in half the threads apply to the inner hole, which we just have now been tested. The hook is introduced into the hole outside and throw a loop on it. I pull out the hook with a thread out and straighten the thread, pulling it out for one of her ends.

We make the second hole in five to six millimeters in exactly the same way. We pierce the hole with a selection, we enter the hook, we throw the thread on it, which is inside the shoe, and pull out the loop outward. In the resulting loop, we have done the end of the thread, which we have left outside, and firmly tighten the loop.

In the same way, we do the third, fourth stitch. And so until the very end, while you go around the entire shoe in a circle. After the end of the firmware, we tie the ends of the threads to the knot and cut down too much, leaving short tips.

Using such a simple way, you can apply any shoes. And this is even small, but savings.

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