How to fix the castle

How to fix the castle

Sometimes after a long use, the lock is broken in the doorway. What to do in this case - call the masters and buy a new castle? Do not hurry to do this. Taking advantage of the simple recommendations that we will provide you, you can repair the door lock in the presence of the necessary tools yourself, without any difficulty.

Nowadays, most door constipation cuts, the invoices are also found, but less often. In these locks, locking mechanisms have a cylindrical type. Easy replacement explains their popularity. Therefore, when the castle breaks, there is no need to change it all, but you can only change the cylinder, or as it is also called - a larva. As a rule, they are interchangeable in the door locks manufactured by the serial industry.

To successfully repair the door lock, get a new larva. If you still doubt the correctness of the purchase, then remove the old larvae and contact the seller so that it helps you make the right choice. To remove it, insert the key and open the door. Remove the lining from the end of the lock and look, there is a screw that you need to unscrew the screwdriver under the retractable constipation (susvda). Turn the key to such a position in which the larva freely exit the lock. When the key broke or lost, then take a drill with a corresponding drill (10 mm), drill the inner movable part of the larva. Select tweezers all fragments and a screwdriver, inserting it into the slot, which is in the depths of the larvae, check into such a position when it freely comes out of the castle.

To put a new larch in the door lock, you must perform the same procedure only in reverse order. Insert the key into the locking well and turn it into such a position so that the larva freely entered the lock. Try the key, how the lock works, and only then tighten the screw that holds the larva in the desired position. Next, screw the lining in place, and you can consider the repair complete.

If the larva of the castle is in order, and the mechanism itself works tight, then you will have to remove it from the door, clean and lubricate:

  • Unscrew all the lining and remove the handles, then remove the larva and all screws that hold the lock in the door.
  • Next, remove the lock. On the lock case there are screws that have to be unscrewed to remove the lid.
  • Under the lid there will be a lock mechanism itself. Carefully look and remember how it is arranged, but better take a picture if you have such an opportunity.
  • Then all the details are cleansed from dust. Clean the best small painting brush.
  • Next, lubricate all moving parts of the mechanism with machine oil.
  • After that, close the lid, tighten the screws, and inserting the larch, try how the mechanism works. If his work satisfies you, then the lock can be bet on the door.
  • The work is performed in the reverse order. You need to insert the lock, tighten the screws of its attachments. Then paste the larva, install the handles and fasten the lining.

Now you know how to fix the door lock. Carefully follow our instruction, and you will succeed.

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