How to open interroom lock

How to open interroom lock

Interior doors have a low level of protection, since they do not have protection functions from unauthorized action. But despite the fact that the security properties are not characteristic of them, the overhead or internal locks are also quite often cut into them. The main task is to protect the room from the draft, the entrance of pets or the exit of small children beyond the permissible territory. Unfortunately, there are often situations where the inner door slams down, and the owners have no key. Fortunately, there are several simple ways to open the interroom door without resorting to a complete dismantling.

The opening rate and the success of the final result will depend on how a person is located. No less important is the presence of auxiliary items. If you slam down in the toilet, where there is no absolutely extraneous, open the door will be problematic. If you are in the residential room, you can always find something suitable. For example: knife, screwdriver, knitting, pencil, file, chisel or simple plastic card.

COMD (1)

The first frequently used option is opening with the help of a knitting, rigid wire or a thick hairpin. Any of these items should be bought into the lock and scroll into both sides until the mechanism is hooked. Next, you should check it in the right direction and everything is open. Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for all castles, and even time requires a lot. And if the will of the case in the room slammed small child - every minute in the account.

COMD (2)

Another method to open interroom doors without a key - to use a long ruler or knife. You need to take a suitable object, cover it in the gap over the rigel and move actively in different directions. In this time, the likelihood quickly open the lock rises.

COMD (4)

In many cases, a plastic card helped to cope with the slammed castle. It is often on hand, so the chance of her presence in an extreme moment is quite high. It is enough to carry out a card along the castle, but only at the time if the "tongue" has a simple design. For more complex locks, such a method will be useless, as well as any other. With a latch more serious design, only the master will cope.

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Often the door slams due to breakage of the handle. It is necessary to try to disassemble it with a screwdriver, a nail file, a knife, or another suitable subject. Unscrew all the screws, it will be possible to grope and turn the mechanism. Note, usually the cause of the occurrence of such a situation becomes a blow of the wall door with a further breakdown of the handle and slamming. Perhaps it makes sense to buy a door guard, which today is quite a lot on sale.

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Often the door with a latch in the form of a melted key (on the inside) snaps from a strong or sharp jerk for the handle. If you have such an emergency, find the hole in the lower half of that very handle and insert the carnations, the needle or stud into it. Pressing until the stop, you can push the key to the outside, as a result of which the lock will be opened again.

Apayv (1)

If all previous ways seemed to you ineffective, try using a more radical option. Insert the stiars between the box and the web, drive it down with the hammer and try to squeeze the "tongue." Of course, the appearance of the door will be damaged, but the problem will still be solved well.

Apayv (2)

Whatever it was, in order to avoid accidental slamming of the doors, it is worth supporting the lock in working condition, monitor the condition of the handle and armed with the fuses. Prevention is always easier tolerated, rather than solving the problem.

Comments leave a comment
Anton 03/21/2015 at 16:32

Cloon Blyha Fly, just staging and checking. Do not miracles hacking imitate. It would be better to show how to repair a handle when the lock is closed and it still opens.


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