How to open a lock without a key

How to open a lock without a key

If it happened so that open the lock key is not an option, then most likely the first thing that will come to mind is to knock out the door, contact a specialist. Both will cost considerable money (for repairs or for payment of services), moreover, in the second case, you will need to provide documents confirming the right of ownership or the right to use, which is not always possible. Therefore, know how to open a lock without a key, useful to everyone.

To open the cylindrical castle, the latter will need the most convenient to do from half of the tweezers (the segment of the wire from the bottle of champagne is suitable), and the lever (narrow blade of the folding knife or a rigid piece of the spring from the old phone number). Also, these devices can be ordered in online stores about the reserve.

So, proceed. Insert the lever into the keyhole in such a way that its "handle" turned out to be on the side that the key turns into the opening of the lock. Finger left hand slightly press it. Now shove the launder to the easiest of the hole, then press the rigorous lever. Next, actively make reciprocating movements by the launder, speaking by simple language, "there and here", inside the keyhole, while gradually pull the launder on yourself and try to turn the lever. Perhaps it will turn out to be checked not the first time, your task is to focus and calmly achieve your goal.

Mounted locks on cabinets for clothing are very easily opened with the help of a clip. The longest (external) piece of wire bend 90 °, then retreating 2-3 mm from the edge, bend the wire 45 ° (with the help of pliers or the inside of the scissors, located closer to the fingers). Now insert the prepared clips into the lock until it stops and check how it would be key. The lock will immediately open. Consider this when you leave your property in the locker at work or workout.

Most attached locks can be opened with a tin can! All that this will require: cut out of a smooth tin letter "T", so that the width of each convexity is about 1 cm, while the lower (vertical) part must be "issued" by 1.5 - 2 cm, and the side ( Horizontal) - at least 3 cm (the longer, the more convenient for them to hold on). Generate the workpiece on the arc vertically and the lower convexity insert into that groove of the lock from which the free end of the arc leaves when opening (where the key well is narrower). It is important to insert the workpiece so that the lateral parts when adding are under the lock loop. Take the castle inserted blank up, loop to yourself. Now the right hand firmly grab the billets closed "mustache" and check 180 ° counterclockwise. It remains only to pull for a locking arc and make sure that the lock is successfully opened.

Try the methods described above in your locks in advance so that, if necessary, to be ready to cope with this problem on your own, at the same time test your locks: how much are they hacking and whether they should leave valuable things for the period of your absence, hoping on their strength.

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