How to open a jamble castle

How to open a jamble castle

It happens, came home, and there a surprise - jammed the door lock, the key does not turn, and it is simply not possible to get into the apartment. What to do in such a situation? First of all calm down and focus! In most cases, the problem is solved independently, although quite often no specialists do not do.

Why the castle failed

Before the castle fails, he "warns" the host about the emerging problem. Pay attention to this in advance so as not to suffer at the most inopportune moment and do not cause expensive specialists. So, the reasons for the output of the lock failure may be several:

  • swelling the door canvas as a result of moisture impact;
  • in the well there are foreign items (hooligans stuck a match, a piece of an old key remained);
  • as a result of the lack of lubrication and washing;
  • app of excessive effort to close doors, flaking;
  • shimmerwise doorway;
  • attempt to open the door with a poor quality duplicate key;
  • finding a pin from the mechanism and blocking sting;
  • manufacturing defects.

Some of these problems can be detected and eliminated during the installation of the product, while others will cause the locking of the castle. If the reason is a factory marriage or external intervention, in this case, most importantly, do not make tremendous effort, pressing the key. Otherwise, there is a chance that it will break straight in the castle, and the problem is only aggravated.

Cylinder lock problems

The main three problems with which the owners may encounter:

  • the key is not supervised;
  • it is impossible to turn the mechanism;
  • creak.

Unfortunately, in the first two cases, rarely can be managed without the help of experts. But first, still try their own attempts to fix the lock. Before you begin to repair the lock, make sure smew not skewed, hinges not moved out, and the web is not swollen from moisture. Clean its stiff wire brush. Perhaps you are lucky, the lock simply clogged with dust or peeled paint. Then lubricate the machine oil, kerosene, and after the turn the key. Happened? If not, the larva will have to be drilled.

What if the lock is jammed in the metal door

In this case, there is only one option - an emergency call specialists. Independently pick a lock does not work, because it often comes with several degrees of protection and complex mechanism to deal with improvised means that will not work. The decision to pull the keys by force or with pliers entail locksmith in a metal door with much more expensive than they might have originally when calling the wizard. In some cases, excessive force must be replaced by a mechanism not only broken, and all the door leaf.

If it jammed for lever type lock

Often, it is possible to make only three turns, and the fourth did not. Perhaps blunt longitudinal ridges, with the result that the key is not included or incorrectly enters the larva. Treat lock silicone spray WD-40 or any other means of lubrication. Then, try to insert the key upside down, gently squeeze at the same hole.

Stuck cross lock

To open the lock jammed, it is necessary to remove the top part, or drill a hole above the keyhole. The hole prosunte screwdriver and rotate or move the latch mechanism. This option is ideal in the event that during the opening time of the door handle is broken accidentally.

Unfortunately, not yet invented locks that would never in my life for broken or jammed. Timely care can partially prevent trouble, but all the same from which no one is immune. If not confident in their abilities - it is better not to start. Call immediately to specialists, which costs are typically much lower than when self-repair.

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