How to clear the blockage in the sink

How to clear the blockage in the sink

Even the smartest hostess periodically faces such an unpleasant problem as zoom in the sink. It can happen both in the kitchen and in the bathroom. Do not hurry to cause plumbing, because you have to expect him for a while. With our advice, we will help you to save time. In this article we will tell you several effective methods to eliminate this unpleasant situation on your own, with the help of remedies.

If you have noticed that the water in the sink goes not as fast as before, or at all ceased to leave, the first thing is to use vanatoux - a wooden stick, at the end of which the rubber cap is located. Install the vanatus on the drain hole of the sink, press it and turn it on hot water. When the water covers the rubber tip of the tube, turn off the crane. Any shell has a spare hole on the side, which protects the sink from overflowing with water and is called a overflowing hole. It must be tightly shut up a wet rag. After the listed actions, you can start changing the blockage. For this, several times sharply pressing on Vanatuz. You will hear the characteristic drilling in the pipes - it began the process of destruction of the trim from garbage, thanks to the pressure created by the pressure. After you tear off the vestion from the drain, perhaps the reason for the cloud will come out - get rid of it. The action is carried out several times, for the complete destruction of the trash cork. In conclusion, it is necessary to rinse the shell pipe strongly with a stream of hot water. If there is no ventuza in your house, it can be replaced with a wet rag wrapped with a cellophane package.

The most common removal vorary in the sink It is the use of a self-made mixture of soda and table salt. Mix half a glass of salt with the same amount of food soda. Carefully pour the mixture into the drain hole, when the hole is blocked - push the mixture with a pencil or any thin item inside. After 20 minutes, pour 3-4 liters of boiling water into the drain. Similar effect has soda and vinegar. The only difference is that half of the glass of soda originally fall asleep and immediately poured a glass of table vinegar. These methods are good because they help not only destroy the plug of garbage, but also disinfect stock and pipes, thereby eliminating the unpleasant odor.

Pretty effective are different chemicalsthat can be purchased at any business store. Thanks to its components, they can easily breed a plug of dirt in your sink. However, it is worth it in mind that all these tools contain aggressive environments that can harm human body. To avoid dangerous consequences, it is necessary to strictly comply with the instructions and not to store them next to food. It will not be superfluous to be the periodic application of household chemicals for preventing the appearance of blockages.

If the water still does not want to go into the drain hole or makes it very slowly - clean the siphon under the sink. To do this, you need to unscrew. Do this above the pelvic or bucket, as water and dirt may be spoiled from the siphon. The rejected siphon is cleaned from dirt in a bucket with water using any comfortable brush. After it is installed in place. For a small disinfection of a siphon and pipes, pour half a glass of lemon juice or any other means.

If no tool helps to eliminate the zoom in the sink, use the cable. At plumbers for these purposes there is a special metal cable at which the spiral is wound. This device is a panacea from any traffic jam. If you do not have such a cable, try to choose something similar - quite strong, so as not to break, but also capable of bent in the necessary places, about 3 meters long. The cable is inserted into the drain hole and gradually pushed into the drainage tube. Feeling the characteristic resistance, it needs to be tried. After punching the trash cork, rinse the flow of a powerful jet of hot water.

The above methods will help themselves to eliminate the zoom in the sink. However, to prevent such situations it is necessary to prevent garbage from entering the sink, periodically clean the siphon and use chemical disinfectants for pipes.

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