How to eliminate unpleasant odors in the refrigerator

How to eliminate unpleasant odors in the refrigerator

Even with the most careful attitude to the refrigerator over time, the fragrances of spoiling products begin to accumulate. The result is a sharp, repulsive smell with each opening of the door. There are simple ways to eliminate unpleasant odors, and subsequently and protect your refrigerator from them.

The first stage of eliminating the smell is wet cleaning of the refrigerator. Spend it using special detergents.

Return freshness to your refrigerator will help special smell absorbers, household chemicals, as well as many products that will be at the disposal of most owners. You will only have to choose a convenient way for you to eliminate unwanted smells.

The smell absorbers can be purchased in many business stores. These fixtures are mounted inside the refrigerator and either spray refreshing aerosol, or suritate the aromas of stale products.

Vinegar. Stir the vinegar in water in the ratio of one to one. The resulting solution wipe the walls and shelves.

Baking soda. Dissolve the soda in water, moisten a rag in the resulting solution and walk along the walls and shelves. The unpleasant smell will be eliminated. In order to avoid its occurrence in the future, put an open jar with soda powder inside the refrigerator. Food soda perfectly neutralizes odors of decaying food. Every 2-3 months, the container must be washed and filling it with fresh soda.

Activated carbon. Handful (approximately 100 g) activated carbon tablets fold into powder and place in any open dishes. For 7 hours, coal will absorb all the smells that you are worried. You can use activated carbon as a long-term smell absorbent. To do this, the can with powder with a plastic cover with holes and send a refrigerator to the shelf. In the form of whole tablets, coal can be omitted into the tissue pouch, which is attached on the wall or to the shelf.

In the clean after washing the refrigerator, for a while, leave the cut lemon or the cut-down bulb.

The containers left in several places with sliced \u200b\u200bbread, rice grains, sugar, salt or slices of cheese will also take care of the freshness of your refrigerator. All these products perfectly accumulate odors and thereby clean the airspace from them.

Some tricks will help you prevent odor appearance in the refrigerator.

  1. Keep products in a special closed container. So you will not only save the fridge from unpleasant odors, but the food will not be soaked in the aromas of the products that are stored nearby.
  2. Cut the regular cleaning of the refrigerator. To do this, it must be empty and defrosting, after which we wipe with a damp cloth with any means intended for this purpose. Wash the refrigerator is needed at least once a month, as well as with contamination.
  3. If by negligence on the shelves there was a liquid or wake-up food, immediately remove traces of food and beverages. After all, the unpleasant smell appears due to the decomposition of products. By eliminating the cause, you will eliminate and consequence.
  4. Constantly check the shelves for the presence of spoiled products. Strong food is the main "distributor" of an unpleasant smell.

Use the refrigerator and store the products in it correctly. And you can always boast the cleanliness and freshness of your refrigerator, as well as be able to extend the life of its operation.

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