The smell is one of the most important sources of information about the world for living beings. The effect of fragrances on the psychological state of a person is huge. With the help of different smells, it is possible to excite or, on the contrary, to calm the nervous system, facilitate the state in depressive disorders, stimulate the production of additional energy in the body, strengthen the concentration of attention. That is why the shallow smell next door with a person will not allow, and it needs to get rid of it as soon as possible.
Cleaning the room
The edge smell indoors can provoke fungi and mold. Here are some ways to improve the condition of air indoors:
- Remove all items from home on which there are traces of mold.
- Reduce air humidity in the apartment up to 40%.
- Wipe all surfaces in the house with a concentrated bleach solution. Do not forget to wear rubber gloves! After 5-10 minutes, wash the solution with warm water.
- Wipe all the window and door frames with a solution of vinegar and lubricate them with coconut oil - this is a good way to prevent fungus.
- Regularly carry out the aromatization of the premises. If you do not have aromolamps, you can do household appliances. Boil water with cinnamon and orange leather on fire, you can add a carnation if you perceive this smell well. To the cooled mixture, lower the rag, and when it is soaked with the smell, put it on the battery.
Furniture cleaning
The shaft smell from furniture and carpets is not a rare phenomenon. Credit with him can help:
- chlorine dioxide (see the instruction method);
- hydrogen peroxide in proportion 3 h. 5 h. l. water (note that the peroxide is able to whiten the processed area);
- the food soda, which you need to sprinkle a dry carpet, then wipe it with a damp cloth and, after it dries, spending.
In the closets also often appear a shaft smell. To remove it, pull out all things and leave the cabinet to be ventilated within a few hours. Then wipe it inside with food soda solution. After the shelves and walls are dried, put the mint newspapers and an open jar with coffee for several days.
Cleaning household appliances
If you have a sharp smell in the refrigerator, it can be easily eliminated by the following way:
- Dispose it and wipe the shelves and walls with a solution of food soda in proportion of 1 tbsp. l. on 1 l warm water. Soak the same mixture of mint newspapers and leave them inside the refrigerator for a day. Then wipe the refrigerator inside with a damp cloth.
- Put an open box of food soda in the refrigerator when you start using it again. Change it every few days.
- Put a few teaspoons of the vanilla extract on the saucer and put in the refrigerator. The shaft smell will disappear within a month.
Sharp smell of fabric
The main reason for the appearance of an unpleasant smell of fabric is excessive moisture. Make sure that the clothes were dry when you put it in the closet. Dry the tissue with a natural way in the fresh air and be sure to put it home if it rains. To eliminate the shallow smell from the fabric, post it in a washing machine, adding a glass of white vinegar or as much food soda for normal loading. Clothes need to soak half an hour, and after washed in normal mode.
Floor smell from the car
Soda is a universal way to combat microbes and shaggy. Lose it in the cabin, and then spending it. To fill the car with a pleasant aroma, leave an open jar of coffee for the night in the trunk. Carpets cleaned with a weak bleach solution and dry them in the sun.
Eliminate the shaft smell is more difficult than to prevent its appearance. Regularly ventilate the room, maintain normal humidity, make a general cleaning several times a month and use natural aromatic mixtures. Then the shaft smell will never appear in your space.
Try this to the remedy for the remedy for a professional. It really really cope with various smells of Kuriem, Gary, Capor smell, I advised me with me since then I use it to this day.