How to get rid of the smell of mold

How to get rid of the smell of mold

The smell of mold is rather aggressive and in some people even causes an allergic reaction. It appears in poorly ventilated rooms and where it is very humid. Mold can smell and things that lie in hermetically closed cabinets or antlesol. Fully get rid of the unpleasant smell, only if you eliminate the cause of its occurrence, i.e. Destroy the mold itself. Up to this point, the smell can only be slightly reduced or disguised.

Removing the smell of mold from various surfaces and dishes

The smell of mold will remove such funds:

  • Baking soda. It must be applied with a subtle layer on all suspicious places. After the thirty-minute impact, wash off the soda with warm water, and then dry the surface with the hairdryer.
  • Vinegar. To remove the smell, in vinegar 9% fortress it is worth wetting the tissue napkin and it already treats all dirty places. If the smell has not gone, then the procedure is to repeat.
  • Coffee grounds. Coffee thickness is a little moistened and put it on a sponge. Sponge to wipe the surface of the cabinets and tile. After complete drying of coffee on the surfaces, remove it with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Lemon juice. Pure lemon juice wipe all the dishes, which is in closed cabinets. After 10-15 minutes, plates, cups, glasses wash in warm water with ammonia alcohol.
  • Bleaching powder. So-called chlorine sprinkle corners under the bathroom and washing, where the mold fungus is most of all. Room closure for a day. After that, all surfaces wash with warm water and dry well with a fan or oily heater.
  • Bura. Buy powder of borants in the pharmacy and breed it in water - the proportion of 0.5 cups / 4 cups (bora / water). With this solution, you can wash cabinets, dishes, floors and other surfaces and objects that exacer the smell of mold.

Removing the smell of mold with household appliances

The smell of mold is often in the refrigerator, dishwasher or washing machine. To remove it, all internal parts must be washed with soda solution (2 art. L. Per 1 liter of warm water), and then wipe with water with lemon juice (1 tbsp by 0.5 liters of water). In the refrigerator, you can also put 20 pieces of activated carbon tablets, wrapped them into a gauze napkin.

Removing the smell of mold from clothes

Cotton Clothing and Home Textiles

Clothes stored in closed cabinets must be taken out of them and spend a few hours in the sun. After that, to soak it in soda solution (1 tbsp. Per 1 liter of water) for 2-3 hours. Solve the clothes with clean water, and then wash in a washing machine with a washing powder. If the cloth allows, then the clothes are better to erase in the "boiling" mode.

Knitted and wool clothes

Post the sweaters in the sun and let them succeed for several hours. Further, if there is a wash resolution on the label, wash things in water with a special soft tools for washing. Rinse produce in water with the addition of citric acid (1 tsp by 5 l. Water). If the washing is not allowed - to pass things into a dry cleaning.

Fur things

If the fur coats, the covers of the caps began to exhibit the smell of mold, they need to be urgently handed over to professional dry cleaning.

Removing the smell of mold with upholstered furniture

The soft furniture first need to spend well, and then decompose in all secluded places (behind the overtaking, between pillows, in the lower boxes), several printed packs of activated carbon. After a week, the coal is removed, and instead, put freshly brown coffee beans. If in a couple of days the sofa and armchairs will still have the smell of mold, it is worth calling home cleaning specialists to the house.

Mold, if it does not fight with it, can bring furniture, things, dishes, household appliances in a very short time. So that this does not happen, it is impossible to allow her appearance in the house. All wet places (bath, bathroom, kitchen) should be carefully cleaned and dried. It is not recommended to store things on closed mezzles for a long time and in sealed cabinets. If this has to do, then every month they need to be tired and wraching. Leaving in the fall from the cottage, it is impossible to leave blankets, pillows and other things that use - for the winter in an unheated house they will answer and become mold.

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