How to get rid of the smell of sweat on clothes

How to get rid of the smell of sweat on clothes

Potting is an unpleasant process that is natural for our body. With it, the body temperature is adjusted. In the cold season, we sweat in warm rooms, and in the summer on the sun. Despite the importance of the thermoregulation function, the sweating delivers many inconveniences and you, and all others. All because of the unpleasant odor, which can be soaked in clothes and here even deodorants sometimes do not cope. What to do in this case, and how to get rid of the smell of sweat on clothes? There are both folk methods and the means of getting rid of the smell of sweat on clothing and professional. Some methods are given in this article.

Removing the smell of sweat from clothes with machine washing machine

This is the simplest and most common method. To get rid of the unpleasant smell, things are simply erased. To wash it more efficient, one of the following methods should be applied:

  • Things before washing can be soaked in a soap solution. The procedure lasts within 40 minutes.
  • To remove the smell, you can increase the amount of powder added when washing.
  • Adding a bleach during the washing process will also help get rid of unpleasant fragrance.
  • Erase things with the prior wash program enabled. This will remove not only the smell of sweat, but also the dirt has appeared.
  • The folk remedy for the smell of sweat on clothes is adding to the washing machine of food soda or several art. Salt spoons.

Get rid of the smell of sweat on clothes without washing

For manual washing, there are also several effective methods that will help you solve the problem. All of them are similar and consist in applying various means to the places impregnated. As such means, you can use the following:

  • Washing impregnated then clothing with a household soap.
  • A drop of shampoo or dishwashing agents.
  • Impust the things of soda with the addition of water, then leave for 15 minutes.
  • The concentrated salt solution will help to return the freshness of natural tissues.
  • The usual 9 percent of vinegar solution allows you to refresh any things.
  • Recent sweat pollution is derived from lemon juice or citric acid. To increase efficiency, you can add some vinegar.
  • The ammonia copes perfectly from then. It is dissolved with water in a ratio of 3 tbsp. Spoons 0.1 liters. Waters with the addition of 1 spoons of salt.

The listed methods should be applied for a short time so as not to damage the tissue. It is recommended to first test the solutions in small and invisible areas.

Remove the smell of sweat from the outerwear

Wash big and heavy things manually problematic and not all the upper clothes can be wrapped at home. Nevertheless, at home can be partial cleaning to remove unpleasant odors.

  • To impart fresh fur coats and coats, they can be placed in the fresh air. So it will disappear all the extra smells.
  • Newspaper paper perfectly absorbs all the aromas. Fill the upper clothes with paper and leave for a while.
  • Special air-conditioning products designed to eliminate unpleasant odors are effectively coping with the task.

Prevention of the appearance of unpleasant aromas

Following the recommendations and rules will allow to limit the spread of the smell or reduce the selection of sweat.

  • Regularly follow the rules of hygiene.
  • Change clothes more often.
  • Under the upper clothes, wear things from natural materials. Such clothes will allow your skin to breathe.
  • Things impregnated later should be washed without slowing. Otherwise, an unpleasant smell can hardly absorb material.

It is possible to remove unpleasant flavors not only with dry cleaning, washing powders and other specials. This work is perfectly coped with remedies: solutions of salt, soda, lemon juice, etc.

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