How to get rid of the smell of vinegar

How to get rid of the smell of vinegar

Vinegar is often used in everyday life. It eliminates odors well, launders stains and removes bacteria. In some cases, it becomes necessary to eliminate odor from the vinegar itself. For this, there are simple and efficient ways.

Eliminate the focus of the smell

First of all, get rid of the cause of the occurrence of an unpleasant smell. In most cases, the vinegar falls on any subject, and then impresses the surrounding objects by its smell. The following recommendations will help you:

  • Vinegar on the body. Clean the blurred place of salt, then rinse it with water and soap. When the body dries, the smell will evaporate.
  • Vinegar on the hair. For the treatment of hair often use masks with vinegar. If the smell does not pass long, use soda solution (1 liters of warm water 5 tbsp. S soda). Wash your head with baby soap and rinse the resulting solution. If necessary, repeat the procedure the next day.
  • Vinegar on the carpet. Pour in pelvis 8-10 l of water. Add 2 tbsp. l. Powder and 1 tbsp. l. Alcohol. Mix the composition well. Moine a rag in it and wipe the carpet. Act carefully that the base of the carpet is not wet. Top to walk with a dry sponge or cloth.
  • Vinegar on clothes and shoes. If the vinegar came to the clothes, put the blurred things with the powder and longer dry them out in the fresh air. In the case of vinegar entering the shoes, moisten the wool in the ammonia alcohol and spend it the right area. Then wash the alcohol with water and dry the shoes (also in the fresh air).
  • Vinegar on surfaces. The resistant smell disappears on its own after 10-12 hours. If you do not want to wait, use the food soda. Sprinkle with it "Phachi Place" and leave for several hours. Then wash the soda and wipe the surface with a clean cloth. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  • The smell in the refrigerator. To eliminate the smell of vinegar from the refrigerator, pour the food soda in the saucer and put it on one of the shelves. After 24 hours, the unpleasant smell will disappear. If the dishes smell like a vinegar, wash it in salted hot water.

We carry out the room

After eliminating the focus of an unpleasant odor, open all windows in the room (if possible and doors) for several hours. If the smell of vinegar was too persistent, it will take more time to weather, perhaps a few days. In any case, the unpleasant smell will fly away. To speed up the process, use the ozonizer. This device well purifies air and reduces the concentration of harmful chemicals. It is especially true during the disease of one of the family members.

Apply fragrances

The flavors do not eliminate unpleasant odors, they only mask them and make the air heavier. To prevent such a situation, use incense only indoors with clean air. It is preferable to use natural flavors, such as cinnamon or vanilla sticks, dry tea, herbs, coffee beans, dried orange crusts, etc. You can put them in small bags and spend all over the room. They will give him an easy and elusive fragrance, which will not be ascended by the air with his saturation.

When need to consult a doctor

If the smell comes from the intestine, it is recommended to visit the gastroenterologist. The symptom indicates the high selection of acid in the stomach, which can turn into gastritis. A serious intestinal infection or diabetes may also occur. If, besides you in space, no one feels smell, contact a neuropathologist or psychotherapist. The reasons for this phenomenon can be the most different. Psychological disorders need to be eliminated in the earliest stages.

Timely cleaning and washing, together with the airing of the apartment, will make the problem of unpleasant odors of non-existent. If a large amount of vinegar fell on any object, try to remove it as quickly as possible and wash the "Phachi" place. The rest will make ventilation and aromatization.

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