How to remove the smell of shoes

How to remove the smell of shoes

Many are familiar with the feeling of awkwardness, which is associated with an unpleasant smell that appears when removing the shoes. Sources of the occurrence of this delicate problem are several - these are fungal diseases of the skin of the legs or their increased sweating, poor quality of shoes or improper care. But do not hurry to get rid of your shoes if it is bad "smells" - there are several ways, thanks to which you can overcome this problem.

If the unpleasant smell of shoes is associated with excessive sweating of your feet, you can maximize such manifestations of your body, approaching this complex:

  • 2 times a week for 20 minutes take special foot baths (brew 2 st. L. Oak bark in 1 liter of water, after which the resulting decoction dilute in 2 l warm clean water);
  • we wash your feet as often as possible, use deodorants and cream after that;
  • wear not close shoes from high quality and natural raw materials;
  • consultation to a specialist who, if necessary, will appoint a course of treatment (with the fungal damage to the skin of your legs confirmed).

Choosing a new pair of shoes, before buying, read its quality characteristics, it must be made of natural materials, without the presence of uncharacteristic sharp odors. Footwear made of poor raw materials can provoke not only the appearance of unpleasant smell in it, but also the emergence of fungal lesions of the legs.

Follow the purchased shoes. Check it in the autumn-winter-spring period, dry, because even a minor moisture will contribute to the reproduction of microorganisms and the formation of unpleasant odors. You can dry the shoes by the Dedovo way using newspapers (compacted inside the product) or using a special convector dryer.

If your shoes exude an unpleasant smell, the funds can help you get rid of it in your home. Apply a hydrogen peroxide or alcohol onto cotton disk, a solution of manganese or vinegar, wipe carefully inside the shoes, making an emphasis on the nasal part. After - dry shoes and ventilate. Important! Please note that some of the listed means can adversely affect the material and spoil the appearance of your item - process the surfaces very carefully, after checking the effects of substances on the invisible area.

The stagnant "aroma" from some types of shoes (sandals, slap) remove with the help of a soap solution - it all depends on the material from which the product is made. Sports shoes without fears. Treat in a washing machine.

Check the quality of the stelek in your shoes. They must be made of natural material or have a coal layer (such a thing will be perfectly absorbed by moisture and prevent the appearance of unpleasant odor).

To overcome a specific smell in your shoes, crushed activated carbon, bakery powder, chalk, sea salt, adsorbent for cat toilet or food soda. Pour any of the means inside the product for 10-12 hours, after - remove all this contents from shoes and speuthes.

With a resistant smell of a domestic pet that was found in shoes, hydrogen peroxide can cope. Fill the bottle in the product for a couple of minutes, after which you carefully dry (the ultraviolet dryer will be by the way - it is very well eliminating bacteria and fungi).

Observe your personal hygiene (take care of your legs, use special talcs, deodorants), try to wear products only from natural materials, follow the condition of your shoes and you will definitely warn the reason for the formation of an unpleasant smell in it.

Comments leave a comment
Victoria 05/05/2016 at 21:37

Used Freshra Deodorant for sports shoes. Stretched out all odors at one point.

Dasha 19/08/2016 at 9:21

Deodorant + cream and no smell

Sergei 11/10/2017 at 1:18.

Personally, I, with confidence I can recommend the Beloff tool, as I checked on myself. The smell eliminates quickly and for a long time, and the price, compared to other means, pleases significantly!


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