How to remove the smell of microwave

How to remove the smell of microwave

The microwave has become an indispensable kitchen appliance for many housewives. She prepares, heats up, defrost, and all this takes a few minutes. However, daily use leads to contamination and the appearance of an unpleasant smell with which we will fight.

Experienced hosts came up with many ways to remove the "aroma" from the microwave. Choose one of the listed, and forward to clean.

Acetic water. The method is extremely simple and does not require costs. Divide the table vinegar with water in proportion 1: 1 and thoroughly wash the walls, sole, the door of the microwave oven from the inside. Swipe the procedure several times if the smell is resistant. Wait for drying before using a microwave oven.

Toothpaste. Well, the means of hygiene has acquired a new application. Buy a cheap mint paste and clean the oven. Remains wash with lemon water.

Ground coffee. Cook a strong drink from solid or ground grains, cool down and wipe all the surfaces of the kitchen appliances. Let dry. If the furnace is strongly dirty, wash with detergent before coffee.

Lemon. The famous relief from unpleasant odors will help and microwave. Pour water in the saucer and squeeze the lemon juice there, it is possible for slices. Put the container in the furnace and turn on the entire power until water boiling. The procedure takes about 10 minutes.

Salt. Not only gives the taste of food, but also draws unpleasant odors. Leave a plate with a cook salt for the night in the microwave oven, and in the morning throw away. If you wish, replace the salt on activated coal - up to 10 tablets. The door of the furnace tightly close, otherwise there will be no effect.

Onion. Take a large head and cut in half. Place the night in the microwave with the door closed. Onions will not only remove the smell, but also kill all microbes.

And finally, chemicals to eliminate odors in the apartment and kitchen devices. Visit any hypermarket and ask the seller-consultant to the goods you are interested in. Explain what purpose you want to purchase. At the same time, find out the consultant how to use the means and precautions. At home, read the instructions for use.

And now you will get rid of the adhesive pieces of heated food. Alas, the food has the property "ruthlessly shoot" when heated, and I don't want to wash every time the oven also. Let's proceed. Take a ceramic bowl and sculpt the cleaning for dishes. Immerse dishes in the microwave and turn on at full power. Wait until the water boils and start throwing out. Time leaves within 10 minutes. After a kind of "stove bath" old slices of food splash. Take a wet cloth and clean the microwave from the inside. We advise you to buy a cook for food specifically for microwave ovens.

To continue the smells did not appear, after each cooking, check the microwave, leaving the door ajar. In addition, the above-mentioned food caps in the microwave stove are perfectly protected from fragrances. If the smell still remains, check the condition of air fans. All tips are verified, use with pleasure! And watching the video, you will learn how to deal with an unpleasant smell of the refrigerator.

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