How to cook potatoes in the microwave

How to cook potatoes in the microwave

Microwave will come to your aid not only for the preparation of sandwiches for breakfast. Cook in her delicious potatoes. Potatoes will come out crumbly and dry, without excess water and will be an excellent option for a side dish or use it in a salad.

Cook potatoes "in uniform" in the microwave

Before cooking "In Mundire", pour each wash potatoes in different places 2-4 times with a fork or toothpick. It is necessary so that the potatoes do not boil. Getting preparing:

  • pour water into the glass judle to cover the bottom. For four medium potatoes, take 100-150 ml of water;
  • add a little salt into water, otherwise the potatoes will burst during cooking;
  • put the potatoes in the sudine so that the tubers do not touch each other;
  • cover the cooking cover for cooking;
  • turn on the kitchenette and prepare 10 minutes at maximum power. Check availability - pour the skin with a knife. If necessary - joke.

Take out the finished potatoes from the furnace and take a cold water from under the tap. It is necessary to clean it better. Clean the cooled product from the peel and prepare a festive salad.

Cook the potatoes for a garnish in the microwave

Potato prepared by this method can be served on a table with meat, fish, vegetables. We proceed to cooking:

  • wash potatoes and cut the skin;
  • cut in half or four parts if you make a puree from it;
  • to put potatoes in the glass judge for a microwave oven and pour there eight tablespoons of hot slightly salted water;
  • blank the ass on the lid. Well, if it is with holes;
  • include the device at full power and boil from 7 to 10 minutes;
  • carefully remove the vessel with the product from the microwave oven and turn the potatoes on the other side. Prepare as much time.

Serve the potatoes hot, fill with oil and chopped greens.

Cook potatoes in the package in the microwave

This cooking method will allow not to use dishes. Several potatoes wash under cold water. Cut the skin or not - to solve you. It all depends, where you will use the product. Take an ordinary polyethylene bag. With drawings, the package is not suitable. Put clean potatoes into it, slightly satisfy and sprinkle with sunflower oil from above. Tightly package tie. Take pieces of bacon instead of oil, put them in a bag of potatoes - the dish will come out juicy and with an unsurpassed aroma.

Pulk the fork of several small holes in the package for the free air outlet. Place a package with a product in a microwave, turn it on complete power and boil from 7 to 10 minutes. Gently take out the package from the furnace, cautiously cut and post ready potatoes on the plate.

helpful hints

Take note of the following recommendations:

  • potatoes weld quickly in the microwave, if you prepare small tubers or cut a large potatoes on small pieces;
  • at the time of cooking affected the age of the product. Young potatoes are brewed from five to nine minutes at a capacity of 600-850 W. Potatoes are old. Prepare from six to twelve minutes at similar power;
  • you can not use a saucepan or ass for the microwave. A flat plate is suitable, but pour more water into it.

Microwave will give you the opportunity to feel a chef. Cooking potatoes in it is a pleasure, and to taste the dish surpass potatoes cooked on the stove.

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