How to cook beets in the microwave

How to cook beets in the microwave

Boiled beet is an indispensable ingredient for the Vinegret, Salads and "Herring under a fur coat". But cook it on the stove will have more than an hour. If you do not have free time - weld the beets in the microwave. It will take less time on cooking, and you will get the same vegetable as cooked on the stove.

Cook in microwave whole beet

Wash the beets, remove all the remnants of the Earth under water. Prepare dishes for cooking in the microwave - a special plate with a cap or a conventional saucepan with a lid. Next, your actions are as follows:

  • make on the root from 10 to 20 through cross-cutting spins, wooden toothpick or any sharp object;
  • place the prepared root in the pan;
  • pour 100 ml of water to the sudine;
  • blank with a saucepan and install in the microwave.

Breate a vegetable in microwave mode with a power of 750-800 W. After 15-20 minutes, the beets welded. The cooking time is repelled from the magnitude of the root plant - the more beetted, the longer it is brewed. First, set the cooking time for 10 minutes, then check whether the beet was welded. If necessary, jokes.

Cook in the microwave beet in the package

Rinse beets under running water, but do not damage the skin. Otherwise, get a watery white vegetable without saturated taste. For salad, he is not suitable. Cooking process:

  • put the washed and dried by a towel beets in a polyethylene ordinary package;
  • tightly start the package and make a few punctures with a sharp object on it;
  • put the bag with beets in the microwave;
  • creamen with a power of 750-800 W with microwave mode.

The whole beet is boiled from 10 to 12 minutes, sliced \u200b\u200bby pieces - up to 9 minutes. Remove the package, it will be swollen from steam, but integer. Do not break the package immediately, get burns. Wait until the beet is cooled. In the same way you can cook the root in the sleeve in the microwave. Tie it on both sides and pursue.

Cook in microwave beets with pieces

This is the fastest method of cooking root in the microwave. Washed vegetables, cut the tails and cut all the peel. Cut the vegetable into small pieces or bars. Place them in the dishes for cooking. Enclose the cut beet closer to the sodes, the center try not to lay down. Blank the ass and install in the microwave. Prepare in microwave mode at the highest power from 7 to 15 minutes. The more pieces, the longer the cooking time.

Cook in microwave beets in marinade

The beets boiled in the marinade will be very fragrant and is practically ready for use. Cooking process:

  • cut into cubes washed and peeled vegetable peel;
  • prepare marinade. With one tablespoon of apple vinegar, stir any spices that love;
  • pour the marinade into the sliced \u200b\u200bbeet, stirre up and put in the dishes for cooking;
  • cover the hanging on the lid and put in the microwave.

Boil 10 minutes, cooled vegetable, use the destination. You can simply add olive oil or combine fragrant beets with sour cream and eat.

Cooking in the microwave beet will reduce your stay in the kitchen. Thermal processing does not destroy all the useful substances, you will get a good boiled vegetable for salads. Replenish the diet with useful dishes and do not get sick!

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