How to cook beets

How to cook beets

So that the beets were useful, tasty and beautiful, it should be prepared correctly. This vegetable can be cooked, bake in a brass closet or microwave. The advantage of baked beets in excellent taste and maximum preservation of vitamins and trace elements.

In the baking sleeve, we put a thoroughly washed beet. We produce air from the sleeve and tie it tightly. The beets prepared in this way turn back in 2 layers of foil and put the oven to the lattice to the oven preheated to 200 degrees. Baking time depends on the size of the vegetable. Little oven 1 hour, medium sizes - 1.5, greater - 2 hours. But better product readiness to check the toothpick. Baked beet can be used to prepare cream soup, vegetable caviar, in various salads it is an indispensable ingredient.

Faster to prepare such a product in the microwave at the power of 750 W. Thoroughly my beets, we fold it into a package for baking and tightly tie, but for the failure of the steam we make neat holes. Small vegetables will be baked within 15 minutes. Of these, you can cook the simplest vitamin salad for every day. I rub the beets on a large grater, cutting steerly strokes, add chopped garlic and roasted walnuts, refuel mayonnaise and serve for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Delicious, useful and quickly prepared salad with nuts and grenade. Cut the same cubes baked beets, boiled carrots and fresh apples. Finely cut onion and greens, crushing garlic and nuts, add grenade grains, to taste with salt and refuel by mayonnaise or vegetable oil. It is better not to eat such a salad immediately, it is desirable that it stands for 2-3 hours.

From baked beets you can cook a spicy and original snack. A vegetable cut into small panels, and dried tomatoes cut by straw. Mix the beets and tomatoes in the salad bowl and lay out on the serving plate on the one hand. In a separate dish, the fork smear 100 g of cheese or any other soft cheese. We add 2 tbsp. Spoons of mayonnaise with lemon juice and 20 ml of 15% cream. Thoroughly mix to homogeneous mass. In the pan slightly fry to golden colors cedar nuts. Pesto sauce lubricate a plate in the middle. From the cheese mass form the balls and lay on the plate to the beets on the other side. Ready snack sprinkled with cedar nuts. It turned out easily, fast, tasty and beautiful.

Very tasty vegetable pancakes with feta and greens, which includes baked or boiled beet. We rub on a large grater 3 small beetners and 1 raw zucchini zucchini, mix with yolk, salt and pepper. In a vegetable mixture, add 3 spoons of flour, greens and 200 g of grated feta cheese. We thoroughly mix, form pancakes and fry on both sides on vegetable oil. Serve as an independent dish.

No beets can not be prepared by Ukrainian borsch, beetter, traditional vinaigrette and all the favorite herring under the "fur coat". The main taste of this root is his sweetness. If you properly prepare beets for your dishes that thined, you will save the taste, color, and most importantly, the mass of the beneficial properties of this unique vegetable. Do not be afraid to experiment and more often include it in your everyday ration.

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