How to cook beets

How to cook beets

From beets you can make many delicious and useful dishes. Borsch boils with it and cooking cold soup called "Svekolnik". From beets make caviar and prepare to all known snack "Herring under a fur coat". And she is the main component of the vinestic and salad "Ruddy cheeks". In almost all dishes, the beets are applied pre-boiled. In this article, we will tell you how to properly cook beets.

The taste of good beet is sweet. For cooking from it, any dishes are chosen only intense-colored root roots - they are the sweetest. If the beet is bought on the market, then ask the seller to cut one so that you can see the inner pulp - it should be without white streaks. High-quality sweet vegetable can be selected by its appearance. Beet, which looks like a flat apple, for example, "Egyptian", is usually very saperial. Sweetness is different and variety "Mona". Its roots, on the contrary, resemble the elongated radish or thick carrot.

Before cooking beets, wipe well, better with a soft brush - so you can remove all the remnants of the soil and sand from the root. If she has leaves, then cut them, leaving 5-10 mm. So you prevent during cooking leakage from beets of juice. The same applies to a thin tail, which ends root. Leave it in place, but do not cut and do not shine.

Prepare a saucepan of this size so that the beets put in it during cooking was completely covered with water. Put in the dishes of a vegetable and pour it cold water. Put a saucepan on strong fire, bring water to a boil. Then reduce the flame and boil with the smallest boil for this amount of time:

  • 30 minutes - beetners, a little more walnut;
  • 1 hour - rooted roots with an average tomato;
  • 1.5 hours - beets, like a small melon;
  • 2 hours - the largest roots.

Boil the beet with a closed lid. If, during cooking, the water strongly rolls out and the side of the vegetable is above the water, then add hot water into a saucepan.

If you doubt that the bought beet is sweet, then add to the water for cooking ordinary sugar sand. At each liter of the fluid, pour one of its tablespoon. Some people prefer to eat beets in her natural boiled form, i.e. In the future, without preparing salads or snacks from it. Then when cooking for its larger flavor to the water, add a bay leaf, a cumin seed or a couple of garlic.

Instead of cooking beets, you can bake in the oven - it turns out more fragrant and tastier. More vitamins and trace elements are preserved in baked beets. Bake, wrapping it with food foil or by placing root crops into a plastic sleeve for baking. Place a vegetable into a well-warmed oven, and the baking time of beets is the same as the cooking time.

Before the finished beet is further put in any dish, be sure to cool it. If you cook too much vegetable and all did not use, prepare a beet carpaccio. Purified root corneaplate cut into thin slices and spread them with a fan on a dish. Sweep with a large salt, stick with black pepper, pour lemon juice and olive oil. Bon Appetit!

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