How to cook corn

How to cook corn

Food and forage corn are grown on our fields. And that, and the other suitable for eating. But when cooking the most sweet and juicy, young cobs of food corn are obtained.

To distinguish young corn from the old, pay attention to the color of the grains and leaves. It has no bright, but pale yellow color, closer to white. Its leaves are bright green, and the mustache is slightly wet. The branches of the milk purse have not yet grown and not very tightly fit to each other. So that there is no doubt about the quality of the product, press the nail to one of the branches at the base. It must be soft. When pressed, white juice is released from it. If the grains are rigid, then the corn is old or feed.

To make the cobs do not have to divide into parts, for their cooking, take a wide and deep saucepan. Ideal for this purpose, a thick-width is suitable for this purpose, which is tightly closed with a lid, for example, cauldron or cast iron. Before cooking, cleanse corn from leaves and mustaches, but do not throw them away. Water in which the cobs will be cooked, do not solitize. In salty water from the grains will leave moisture, and they will be less juicy.

At the bottom of the pans with cold water, put peeled cobs, and from above - leaves and mustaches. Corn, welded in this way, is much fragrant. Water should cover the contents of a pant of 2 cm. After boiling, young corn is prepared from 15 to 40 minutes, and the old and quota - from 1 to 3 hours.

The readiness of the cobs is determined, pressing the grain fork and trying to taste them. If they are easily chewed - the product is ready. After cooking, corn insist under the lid for another 10 minutes. Then take it out, sprinkle with salt and served to the table. For a variety, ready-made corn can be grazed with butter, sprinkle with spices or grated cheese.


Boiled vegetable eaten immediately after cooking, as it quickly loses his taste. If it is not possible to eliminate the product at once, you can keep it in a corn braking before cooling. Within 2 hours, it will maintain its nutritional properties. In the refrigerator boiled cobs can be stored up to 2 days.

Corn is perfectly absorbed by the body and has a lot of useful properties. It contains amino acids tryptophan and lysine, vitamins C, A, RR, B, E, and from trace elements - phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium. They regulate the metabolism and cardiovascular activity, stimulate immunity, improve memory, feed nervous cells. Boiled cobs are rich in fiber. They eliminate the body from slags and improve the work of the digestive tract. 100 g of cooking corn contains only 130 calories. So this dish can be called dietary.

Boil corn correctly, and then you will receive from its use not only the maximum of pleasure, but also the maximum benefit!

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