How to cook Vinaigrette

How to cook Vinaigrette

Vinaigrette is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine, which is simply cooking and spicy taste. A special mysteriousness is given by sauer cabbage and salted cucumbers. It is important to properly prepare ingredients for mixing, not to digest them and light salad will be amazing quality. In addition to the classic recipe from vegetables, salad can be diversified by fish, such as a salt herring, any meat or add beloved vegetables. Prepare a classic salad recipe Vinaigrette and find out how long it will be needed.

How to cook winegare. Grocery list

We will need:

  • 3 pieces of small potatoes;
  • 2 pieces of medium beet;
  • 2 pcs sweet carrot;
  • 2 pcs of large salty or pickled cucumbers;
  • 150 grams of sweet sauerkraut;
  • 1 head of the replist or sweet salad bowl;
  • 3-4 tbsp. spoons of apple vinegar;
  • half of green peas banks;
  • some water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • sugar;
  • dry mustard;
  • a pair of green onions skes.

How to cook winegare. Step-by-step cooking

  • First, potatoes, carrots and beets must be booked until readiness.
  • Boiled vegetables must be cooled, for which they are enough to immerse them in a cold water container.
  • The cooled vegetables are cleaned of the skins and cut into small cubes. The same form should be cutting the cucumbers. Then everything is folded into a large salad bowl.
  • The onions are finely cut and add to the rest of the vegetables.
  • The sauer cauldron is pressed from juice before cutting, so that the resulting salad does not drow in the liquid. If the cabbage pies are too large, they can be cut into smaller straws, up to 2-3 cm. After add it to a bowl to the sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables.
  • The next stage is the preparation of refueling. To do this, in a separate container, we pour some water, add dry mustard, vegetable oil, sprinkle with a pair of pinch of salt and sugar. Swinging the ingredients, pour them with vinegar and mix it thoroughly.
  • We add green peas in the bowl in the bowl and pour the cooked gas station, we are thoroughly mixed.
  • Since each person has its own taste, then after all is mixed, you should try the salad and, if something is missing, add.
  • Ready salad decorate from above finely chopped green onions.

How to cook winegare. Small subtleties for perfect salad

  • It is quite important to boil vegetables correctly, because otherwise the reversed products will not give a salad with a worthy type and taste.
  • Each vegetable should be boiled in a separate pan. Cooking carrots until readiness takes 25 minutes, the beets will need 35 minutes, and potatoes will be ready in 25 minutes after boiling.
  • Vegetables it is better to cut into small pieces, but do not get involved, otherwise the tasteless porridge will turn out instead of Vinegret.
  • The vinaigrette will preserve its fresh taste and will not deteriorate in a couple of days, if vegetables in a salad cut cold, that is, after cooking, they should cool very well in the refrigerator or on the windowsill.
  • The unique original taste of lettuce is not felt immediately, having tried freshly prepared salad. Give it to breed a couple of hours after readiness, the components are impregnated with each other, the taste of the replied onion will open and fill the salad with its aroma.
  • Instead of refueling, the salad is filled with simple vegetable oil, and he does not lose its taste. Oil is added as cooking. For a start, a small amount in the sliced \u200b\u200bbeet so that it does not strongly paint the rest of the products, then evenly with the alternate addition of the remaining ingredients.
  • The above is a prescription of the classic vinegar, but even such a composition of the products can be varied in any proportion and quantity, the taste of the cook, which will change the taste of salad.

In the ancient times, the royal table decorated and pleased the taste of the unique vinaigrette. Spend on the preparation of a simple and dietary dish no more than an hour of time and get an easy, appetizing salad. Add to the composition of a weakly salted herring or post it next to the plate, dilute a light salad with boiled meat - a beautiful nutritional dish on your table. Bon Appetit!

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