How to cook Hercules porridge on the water

How to cook Hercules porridge on the water

Many of us start the morning with Hercules Porridge for breakfast. Ladies, watching their figure, prefer to prepare oatmeal on the water and do the right. The dish is suitable for obese patients, people with lactose intolerance and diseases of the digestive system. We will not repeat about the benefits of the cereals, but tell me how to cook it on the water so that the porridge is tasty and useful.

How to prepare for cooking Hercules porridge on the water

For the cooking of Hercules flakes, prepare a cast-iron bulk saucepan or puddle of stainless steel. Do not take the dishes enameled, many porridge remains at her day.

Burn the Hercules to remove the husk falling along with a cereal. Rinse under cold water, but this condition is not mandatory. Puffy can add dried fruits, honey, candied and many more.

Cook on the water Hercules porridge in a saucepan

Prepare ingredients:

  • 2 glasses of water;
  • salt - to your taste;
  • 1 cup of Hercules flakes;
  • honey or sugar, dried fruits, fresh or frozen fruits - to choose from.

Pour water into the pan and place on the stove. After boiling water, we add herogela flakes, satisfy a little. Stir and wait when it boils again. Screw the fire on the stove and cook porridge to a thick consistency. Look at the condition of the cereals. The cooking process takes from 5 to 10 minutes. At the end of the cooking, add honey or sugar to porridge and other additives. Cover the vessel with a ready-made dish with a lid and leave for 10 minutes by banging a towel.

Cook on the water Hercules porridge in the microwave

This method of cooking Hercules will like you if there is no time for long standing at the stove. Getting preparing:

  • a glass of prepared Hercules Brokes in bulk in a special veduce for the stove;
  • fill with two glasses of cold water;
  • we put in the microwave for four minutes, boil at high power;
  • after each minute, turn off the stove and mix the porridge.

In the finished dish, spread sugar with salt, put some cream oil and other additives. After 5 minutes, proceed to a useful and tasty breakfast.

Preparing a Hercules porridge on the water in a slow cooker

Cook in the evening Hercules and offer porridge in the morning family for breakfast. Required ingredients:

  • 4 glasses of water;
  • 2 glasses of Hercules flakes;
  • 2 teaspoons of butter butter (not necessarily, if you sit on a diet);
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt.

All ingredients, except oil, place in the bowl of the kitchen appliance. Put on the "Porridge" mode. The cooking time depends on the instrument model - from 10 to 15 minutes. Choose time on the timer and wait for the beep. Remove the ready porridge, refuel the oil and proceed to the meal.

Small tricks of cooking Hercules porridge on the water

  • Porridge is very thick after cooling. If you cook it in the evening, and you will eat in the morning - reduce the number of Hercules by a third. Weld up a liquid porridge, it thickens by the morning.
  • If you cook flakes that are simply used, and not cook - after boiling, turn off the fire immediately. And add water to the cereal, and not vice versa.
  • The contents of the pan stir in the cooking process, but not often. If you cook in a saucepan in which it does not nourish, it is not necessary to stir. Want to cook salty porridge? Add vegetables or pieces of boiled beef, chicken and turkey into it.

Recipes of Hercules porridge on water can be changed at its discretion. Experiment and from ordinary oatmeal you will make a real culinary masterpiece.

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