How to cook cornpap

How to cook cornpap

Corn porridge - tasty and useful. But to cook it, you need to try. About how to cook cornpage, read in this article.

About the cooking technique of cornpasses

On store shelves, you can see a corn bar of different grinding. The larger the grain, the more time it will be needed in order to cook a delicious porridge.

What you need to know:

  • Be sure to wash the cereal before cooking. Even if it is small, then you can put it in a sieve and rinse.
  • In order to cook tasty porridge, you need to take a saucepan with thick walls. Porridge will languish and not stick to the bottom.
  • When cooking porridges, it is necessary to periodically stir it.
  • The degree of grinding will determine the duration of cooking cereals. If the average grinding, then on the slow fire porridge you need to cook half an hour.
  • The corn croup must be covered in boiling water. Add salt or sugar in the water.
  • Delicious and tender porridge will be able to add milk and butter. Milk can be divorced by water if porridge cook for children. If for the side dish, then cook porridge is better on the water.
  • If you need to cook liquid porridge, then take 4 glasses of water, if thick, then 3 glasses of liquid. Remember that the finished porridge thickens.

Recipe Corn Kashi.

Prepare the following:

  • water - 2.5 glasses;
  • crupe - 250 g;
  • salt to taste.

You need to cook like this:

  • Water should be poured into a saucepan, wait for boiling.
  • Rinse a crucible, wait until the excess fluid is stroke.
  • Pour in a saucepan with boiling water. Stir, wait for boiling.
  • When water boils, you need to drop fire, salt, cover with a lid so that there was a gap. Cooking you need half an hour, stirring periodically.
  • Porridge will become thick in 20 minutes, it is necessary to stir the contents more often to make the corn porridge.
  • After half an hour, you need to remove the pan with porridge, mix, add creamy oil (optional), mix again. Then to bite with a saucepan of something warm (for example, a towel) and leaving it is for 1 hour.

Corn porridge

To cook porridge on this recipe, you will need:

  • crupe - 250 g;
  • water - 2.5 glasses;
  • sugar or salt, butter, raisins - to taste.

And how this dish is preparing:

  • Raisins soaked in cold water 1-2 hours before the start of cooking.
  • Crop needed to rinse in cold water.
  • Pour water into the pan, boil.
  • Groove to put in the Casanes with thick walls, it is possible to pour boiling water into the pot.
  • Do not stirring add salt and sugar, raisins. Now you can mix and close the caulist.
  • Temperature must be put up for 200 oC prepare 40 minutes. Try if the cereals did not soften, you will need even more time.
  • Remove the Casanes from the oven, open the cover, mix, put it in the oven, continue to cook porridge until the golden crust appears.

Milk Corn Porridge

Great option for the children's menu - Corn porridge, cooked on milk. It is important that the porridge is liquid, because as it cooled it will thicken.


  • water is 100 ml;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • crupes - 2 tbsp. (with a slide);
  • butter creamy - to taste;
  • salt or sugar - to taste.

Porridge for the children's menu:

  • Milk and water should be heated, add sugar.
  • As soon as the liquid starts to throw, pour the corn croup (washed), mix.
  • Cook porridge needed on low heat for 25 minutes.
  • Do not forget to stir constantly, and if you want to cook porridge faster, then you need to grind a pre-dry camp in a coffee maker, then for the preparation of porridge will leave for 15 minutes.

You can add chopped apples and other fruits into porridge. An older child in the finished cornpall can be put chopped nuts and dried fruits.

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