How to cook swallow

How to cook swallow

Properly welded millet porridge - delicious, nutritious, and most importantly - a useful dish. This porridge "Conscription" (perfectly sounds in tandem with every delicious additive) and universal (suitable for the preparation of basic, sweet dishes and side dishes). So how to cook millet correctly, so that this cereal becomes one of your favorite diet?

How to cook a jam - learn how to choose a croup

Kushany from the millet will get proper consistency and with good taste, if you wake up such rules:

  • Choose a break, respectively, the future dish, that is, if you plan to cook a delicious porridge - choose a bright yellow millet, if you make a casserole - a millet pale colors.
  • Pay attention to the duration of the packing of cereals. Millet - the product quickly losing his taste due to the high content of fats in it. If the storage conditions are old or incorrectly complied with the storage conditions - the cereal acquires award (eliminate it easily, if you enclose the millet boiling water, or the frying fierce) and the unpleasant smell.

How to cook a pesh - Cooking tricks

There are some tricks, knowing which you prepare a universal porridge. It will later be subsequently added to any ingredient (cottage cheese, honey, meat, dried fruits, pumpkin, fruit, fried fat, onions and so on.):

  • It is necessary to go through the millet before cooking, clean from all sorts of foreign engines, and several times carefully, to clean water, rinse.
  • Cooking the croup is needed in a sufficiently deep container (during cooking, the volume of the milk increases by 3-5 times), on slow heat.
  • To prepare the crumbly porridge, observe the proportions of the milk to water 1: 2, for viscous - 1: 4.
  • Ready millet porridge will be approximately 30 to 40 minutes, after water boiling.

How to cook millet - a traditional method of cooking

You can use the cooked peashed porridge in the traditional way and as an independent dish, and use as the main ingredient to, for example, the dairy caress. In order to cook the croup porridge, prepare a break, load it into a saucepan and fill with water in the standard ratio (1: 4). On medium heat, under the cover, tapping until readiness for 20-30 minutes. After - Sweet, add the oil and hold on the stove for another 10 minutes. If necessary, in the process of cooking, plotting water.

How to cook millet - prepare in pots

Wheat porridge, cooked in pots, has an unsurpassed gentle taste and aroma. For cooking cereals, use deep pots (note that the millet during cooking increases 5 times). Place the desired amount of millet in the pot, add salt and oil immediately. Pour water along the already known proportion (1: 4) and leave the oven for 30-40 minutes, at a temperature of 180 degrees.

How to cook millet - cook in microwave

Adhere to such recommendations and your millet porridge, welded in a microwave, will be no worse than cooked on fire:

  • prepare a cereal;
  • place it in a fairly deep container;
  • fill millet with water in a 1: 4 ratio;
  • turn on the microwave oven to the maximum power;
  • weganize the GROW for 5 minutes. After stopping the process of satisfying porridge, mix it with a fork (breaking it) and welcome for another 3-5 minutes;
  • move the dish with oil, mix it again and leave it under the lid of 5-8 minutes.

How to cook millet - Dairy porridge

The millet porridge, cooked on milk - a worthy competitor with dairy porridge prepared on other croups.

To get a delicious milk porridge, you will need ingredients:

  • 1 cup of overwhelmed and thoroughly washed to pure millet water;
  • 2 glasses of milk and water;
  • butter creamy (1-2 art. l.);
  • salt, sugar to taste.

Preparing such a dish is very simple. To do this, you will need with already boiled millet cereals on the water to drain the water, add the remaining ingredients and the desired amount of milk. Put the container with porridges for 40 minutes in a warm oven.

With all the utility of the millet, do not forget that he has its own contraindications. Do not get drunk by the use of millet dishes if they suffer from the increased acidity of the stomach or a tendency to constipate. Enjoy the "solar" porridge regularly and in moderation, then this product will bring your body a maximum benefit.

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