How to cook porridge buckwheat

How to cook porridge buckwheat

One of the most delicious and most useful croup, which they love and prepare all over the world is buckwheat. Buckwheat porridge is an ideal product for dietary food, it is a useful breakfast, an excellent garnish to meat, vegetable and fish dish. A boiled buckwheatter is used to prepare a blacks, appetizing zraza and many other dishes. Buckwheat occupies a leading position among cereals in the content of essential amino acids, important for our health, folic acid, iron, iodine, copper, group vitamins. This is a valuable protein and low carbohydrate diet product that is easily absorbed by the body.

Many believe that boiling buckwheat is quite simple, it is enough to pour the cereal with water, "on the eye" and put on fire, and as a result, a viscous tasteless porridge is obtained. How to cook porridge buckwheat so that it is fragrant, crumbly and tasty? In this article we will reveal all the secrets of the perfect buckwheat porridge.

How to prepare buckwheat for cooking

Before proceeding with the process of cooking, you should choose the key to choose, for the crumbigh and delicious dishes, choose the nucleus. Crushed croup - done, does not fit, porridge, cooked from it, will be viscous, similar to the smear.

After buying cereals, thoroughly bite it, clean from small garbage, pebbles. Rinse the cereal in water, it is desirable to repeat the procedure several times. You can pour buckwheat into a colander and rinse with its flowing water. Now it is necessary to dry the buckwheat on a frying pan, without oil. During the roasting, a wonderful aroma of cereals will be revealed, which will make porridge even tastier. Fry the cereal, stirring until it starts a little crackling in a pan. Crupes ready for cooking.

What kind of dishes to choose to cook buckwheat?

Buckwheat porridge should be cooked in thick-walled dishes with a multi-layer bottom. Such dishes perfectly keeps heat, and even after turning off the gas, buckwheat will continue to "reach", porridge will be tastier and fragrant. Choose cast iron, ceramic dishes. You can cook the cereal even in thick-walled glassware. But the aluminum saucepan for the preparation of buckwheat is not recommended to use - the cereals in it oxidize and acquires an unpleasant metal taste.

How to cook buckwheat in a traditional way

For tasty and crumbly buckwheat, it is important to observe the proportion of buckwheat and water.

  • Water must be taken 2 times more cereals (1 cup of cereals - 2 glasses of water).
  • Suck a barbell in the dishes, fill with water and put on the middle fire, we wait until the water boils.
  • Then salute buckwheat, add a piece of butter, close the lid, while reduce the fire.
  • We leave the porridge to boil on a quiet heat for about 20 minutes, under the closed lid until all the liquid and porridge will become crumbly.
  • Turning off the porridge, leave it to remove it in a saucepan of about 40 minutes, you can wrap up with a blanket or a towel.

Important! During cooking buckwheat porridge, you should not constantly look into the pan, opening the lid, and also stir porridge. Such buckwheat will not be crumbly.

How to cook buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker

You can cook delicious porridge from buckwheat using miracle technology - multicookers. This method will suit busy people who spend a lot of time at work, it is enough to prepare the necessary ingredients, to include the desired program and in the evening you will be waiting for the fragrant and tasty dish.

Stages of work:

  • Prepare 1 cup of buckwheat, rinse it, learn in a frying pan.
  • Put a cere in a bowl of the Multivarka, add 2 glass of water, 1 cup of buckwheat, sprinkle, add a piece of oil, close the lid.
  • Install the Kasha program, set the delay timer. After turning off the slow cooker, let's still draw a 15 minutes under the closed lid.

How to cook buckwheat porridge on milk

Buckwheat porridge, cooked in milk - the perfect useful breakfast for children. To cook a delicious porridge, it will take 4 cups of milk for 1 cup of buckwheat. Cooking buckwheat in milk longer than in water, about 35 minutes on slow fire, under the lid. Oil, salt and sugar to taste are added at the end of cooking and you can immediately serve a dish to the table.

You can feed the crumbly buckwheat as a side dish to meat, liver, cutting off-products, fish. A very tasty dish - buckwheat with mushrooms, try to cook this appetizing dish and enjoy the exquisite taste and aroma, how to cook it correctly Watch the video:

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