Good morning starts with a useful breakfast. Porridge is the most nutritious of possible morning dishes. How to cook a manna porridge on milk tasty and without lumps? The answer to this question knows not every hostess, so we offer you information on how not to spoil the dish and make a groin breakfast.
Cooking semolina begins with the choice of ingredients and cookware for cooking. Porridge must be homogeneous color without inclusions or dimming. It is allowed white or slightly yellowish cereals. Milk for porridge is only fastened. Slightly acidified, even if it does not turn into boiling, then the dishware qualities will strongly resort. Manka saucepan must have a non-stick coating. In the opposite case, during washing dishes, you will not be happy to be what they took careful.
Milk burns very much to the surface of the dishes for cooking porridge. To avoid this unpleasant phenomenon or at least reduce it, pour a small amount of water before boiling milk. Equal mixture of these two ingredients helps to reduce calorie content and fatness of porridge, but it is not always necessary. After all, you can simply take milk with a mark "1% fat content" on the package.
The classic mane porridge cooking recipe suggests that you take the floor of the milk liter. On this quantity will go 3 tablespoons of manna cereals. Salt and sugar, of course, to taste, but the optimal amount is a third of a teaspoon of salts and three sugar spoons. Oil do not spare as you know from saying, this product will not spoil porridge.
On slow fire, throw the milk, add salt and sugar to it. Let's gradually fall asleep semolina in a saucepan with boiling milk. At the same time, stumble, then the lumps will not appear and will not spoil the taste of porridge. We continue to stir until the mass is boiling, then you can remove the dish from the fire. Add oil and serve on the table.
To diversify the dish, you can use the original and very calorie recipe for manna porridge on milk with chocolate and banana. Boil the liter of milk, add a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. 200 g Manka Suck and cook as described in the previous paragraph. Sliced \u200b\u200bfine pieces of one banana and grated chocolate (floor tiles) add to porridge boiling on very weak fire. We add butter and mix thoroughly. Then turn off the porridge and let it breed a quarter of an hour. The dish is served hot.
There are some nuances capable of improving the taste of cereals prepared by the classic method. Add a small amount of vanillina at the end of the cooking. This will provide a fragrant fragrance. Raisins, prepared in advance, add directly to the plate with the finished porridge. So you make it even more useful, enrich glucose. Fresh berries, mint leaves will decorate and raise the mood.
Not all people eat porridge hot. For fans of cold maps there is one advice: Cook the plate cookies (better than sandy, "anniversary") or nuts. Such ingredients will add energies to your body, and you will not feel sharp hunger to the dinner itself.
At will, you can add dried fruits (including raisins) and nuts right during cooking. Pre-supervise and cut the Kuragu, raisins, prunes. Add these ingredients into the boiled milk before falling asleep the croup. Nuts shred and add at the end of cooking. As for fresh fruits and berries, they are better to put right in a plate, so as not to lose the vitamins that they contain.
Holding the cooking porridge, remember that it is preparing in just 5 minutes. Therefore, it is not necessary to leave the enabled burner unattended, otherwise your breakfast will "run away" on the stove or nourish, ruthlessly spoiling a saucepan. Another advice: Always sprinkle in boiling milk, otherwise porridge will be tasteless.