How to cook rice tasty

How to cook rice tasty

Rice - a frequent guest on the kitchen table is no longer one millennium, because it is one of the most ancient cereals. It is prepared both classic pilaf or porridge and the most exquisite desserts and soups. The methods of preparing rice as much as its varieties, but all of them have general rules for culinary processing. If you want your rice always get tasty, take advantage of the following tips.

Subtleties of preparing rice

  • Variety of varieties and species. All rice is divided into two types - round and long-grain. What kind of buying rice will depend on the dish, which will be cooked from the cereals. For a tasty crumbly garnish, exclusively long-grain rice is suitable and, it doesn't matter what it is a variety (whether it is jasmine or ordinary Parboild). Rice view of rice perfectly suitable for pudding, porridge, soups and Japanese rolls.
  • Selection of high-quality cereals. In order for Rice evenly, the lumpy lumps did not appear in the dish, carefully study the contents of the packaging on the subject of broken grains. Their maximum number should not exceed 3% (such information must be present on the marking).
  • Rice and water / broth ratios. The formulation of most rice varieties includes a quantitative ratio of cereals and water 1: 2. But there are exceptions, for example, one part of the steady rice requires three parts of the liquid. So that rice is not burned or, on the contrary, did not boil, always study the recommendations on the packaging.
  • Suitable dishes. Rice should not be prepared in enamelled or aluminum tanks. The ideal option will be the use of pan or deep stainless steel frying pan.
  • Temperature mode and cooking duration. Groats are brewed only on medium heat for 15-20 minutes, steady varieties should be caught extra 5-7 minutes. Unlightened rice is preparing for 35 minutes.
  • Improving taste. So that Rice did not disappoint you with fresh taste, you can add butter, spices and spices to it. You can also give the head of the golden shade, pouring the pinch of turmeric.

Classic Recipe Recipe

Regardless of the type of rice, it can be prepared by the most ordinary recipe. But, the ultimate view of the receiving dish will be different: a thick porridge will be obtained from a round rice, from a long - loose barr.

So, cooking technology:

  • Pour the croup into a deep tank, fill with cold water, mix until a muddy shade of fluid appears. Drain dirty water and repeat the procedure 5-7 times.
  • Add the required amount of cool water depending on the type.
  • Put rice on fire, and after boiling, add salt and spices (at your discretion).
  • After that, reduce gas minimum and boil the croup for 15 minutes.
  • Then remove the rice from the plate, and if the fluid remains, gently drain it.

How to cook rice in a double boiler

Keep the entire value of the product and at the same time get a gentle taste, you can prepare rice in a double boiler.

  • Rinse the croup.
  • Pass it into a special bowl.
  • Add salt and water in a ratio of 1.5: 1.
  • Place the rice with the bowl in the device and turn it on for 25 minutes.

Options for preparing rice cannot be counted, because each kitchen in the world has its subtleties and variations of recipes. Do not be afraid to experiment, because each of your dish will be unique.

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