How to cook Befstex

How to cook Befstex

Beefstex is all 100% male food. A large piece of delicious meat, properly cooked and beautifully filed on the table, can turn the head to any representative of a strong floor. Therefore, a woman must be able to prepare him truly tasty.

Preparation rules Bifstex

  • The meat must be fresh and high-quality, so do not regret it for money.
  • The meat should be properly roasted: the fact is that some love the steak to be with blood, but for many blood is unacceptable in meat. This moment must be clarified immediately for yourself: what bifstex you will cook.

So, the options for cooking there are a lot of bifhtex. We offer to take a classic recipe, as it is preparing easy, and ingredients it does not require much, but the taste of such meat is guaranteed to be simply amazing!

To do this, we will need a piece of beef meat (300-400 g), black pepper, salt, garlic, rosemary twig, butter, lemon.

Preparation process Bifstex

  • The question of time is fundamentally important in the question of cooking Bifhtecx, so it's necessary to get a timer to the timer - this is just done so that the steak is rooted, but not remembered.
  • Before you start cooking meat, put the frying pan on fire. The pan must be taken with a thick bottom, for example, cast-iron so that it heats up evenly. The fire should not be done right away - there will be enough average. If you are a WELL DONE bifhtex amateur, that is, without blood, is well rooted, then put the oven as well. It must be brought to a temperature of 180 ° C.
  • While the pan is heated, cut the meat with large slices, 2 cm thick. Clean it from unnecessary bones, we deliver from the film that is so hardly chewed.
  • Now, on both sides, the meat must be salted, pepper in taste, and also grate with olive oil. The business is that the bifhtex patch must be absolutely dry, so we lubricate the pieces of meat in advance.
  • If the meat is already sliced \u200b\u200band processed, and the pan warmed up, then you can proceed to roasting meat. At first, on the one hand - 3 minutes, then turn the meat to the other side - also for 3 minutes.
  • While the meat is roasting on the second side, you can take a sprig of rosemary and slightly go through it on the already fried side, then take garlic, make a slice and side of the cutting of a bipfshtex on it. Next, we take a piece of cream oil and rub the meat.
  • When 3 minutes pass, the meat can be turned over again and quickly do everything with butter, rosemary and garlic on the second side.
  • Then please the BIFSHTEC base.
  • When everything is done, Bifstex can be shifted in a saucepan and send to the oven for another 5 minutes - but it is necessary to do it only if you want a Beefstex Well Done.

How to Serve Befstex.

When the meat is ready, note that it will allocate a little juice. This juice is not necessary! Add literally 5-6 lemon juice drops and stir - it will be sauce to the cooked biphstex.

Put the meat on a wide plate, paint the sauce, you can decorate the dish with fresh vegetables. Bon Appetit!

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