How to cook eggs

How to cook eggs

The simplest everyday dish - it's fried. It is prepared for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The dish turned out delicious, you need to follow some simple rules.

How to cook eggs properly

The most important secrets:

  • To take eggs and fresh eggs, they are called dietary. Fresh eggs have a slightly sweet taste.
  • Pour eggs only on strongly heated frying pan with butter - fried eggs will not stick to the bottom.
  • For eggs, use a medium-sized frying pan with a thick bottom.
  • Add salt fried egg at the end. If this is done before the yolk begins to spread along the squirrel and the dish will not look very appetizing.
  • Serve the eggs with the heat, with the heat - this is the most delicious.

How to cook a fried egg

Egg wash and dry well with a napkin. Pour into the pan 1 tbsp vegetable oil and put 1 tablespoon butter. When the butter to melt completely and becomes hot, pour it in one egg. Reduce heat to medium. When the protein will be very dense, and the yolk will be covered with a barely perceptible plenochkoj, salt dish. Lay eggs on a plate with a flat spatula to yolk is not damaged.

How to cook an omelet with tomatoes

For such dishes take tomatoes with very firm flesh.

  • Red-hot frying pan and pour a little oil into it.
  • In hot oil lay circles tomatoes and let them fry the bottom.
  • Tomatoes turn and podsolite them.
  • Tomatoes release eggs and reduce heat.
  • Fry eggs with tomatoes for 2-3 minutes, then salt and pepper them.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and hold an egg on the plate a couple of minutes.
  • When serving sprinkle the eggs with green onions.

How to cook scrambled eggs

Eggs let down in a bowl and add some milk to them. Two eggs are enough two spoons of liquid. Eggs and milk mix the whisk and add a little salt. To pour the egg mixture into a frying pan with a melted cream oil and begin to mix it quickly with a blade. When the consistency arranges you, turn off the fire under the skillet.

The scrambled eggs can be prepared in a microwave oven. To do this, smear the dish with oil and pour eggs on it. Very neatly pincise with a wooden wand film over yolks. Place the plate in the stove and install the middle power. Time cooking - 2-3 minutes.

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