How to cook an omelet in the microwave

How to cook an omelet in the microwave

Feed your family rapid and delicious breakfast will help you the usual microwave oven! Thanks to the kitchen assistant, the omelet will be lush, beautiful and very helpful.

How to prepare a diet omelet in the microwave

Cooking in the microwave ovens allows not to add sunflower and vegetable oils to dishes, thereby allowing the ability to prepare dietary products with a minimum amount of calories. Also, an ordinary omelet is very loved by little kids. For cooking we need:

  • 2-3 fresh eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of milk;
  • salt.

In the prepared dishes, take the eggs before the formation of foam. Gradually, pour milk and salt to taste. Cover the lid and bake 3 minutes at a power of 800 watts. Ready dish decorate greens and fresh vegetables, pleasant appetite!

How to cook an omelet in a microwave with sausage and cheese

Diversify the traditional recipe and give him sophistication will help the usual sausage and cheese! We need a deep bowl, a small piece of butter, 2 eggs, 100 grams of sausages, 100 grams of cheese, half of a glass of heat milk, chopping of greenery, salt and spices to taste.

  • Put the creamy oil in a bowl in which you will cook and send to melt into the microwave for 30 seconds.
  • Add eggs, milk and salt into melted oil - stir the ingredients with a blender or fork.
  • Add wrapped sausage and cheese to the future omelet.
  • Cover the plate with a plastic lid and bake on the middle power of 5 minutes.

So that the omelet turns out lush - put eggs before cooking for 2-3 minutes in the freezer!

How to cook an omelet in a microwave with mushrooms, tomatoes and greens

In addition, the egg omelet is a nutritious and useful breakfast, it can also be the main dish at the evening table! To prepare a delicious dinner, we will need 5 eggs, 100 grams of fresh or frozen mushrooms, 1 medium tomato, spices, salt and a bunch of fresh greenery.

  • Rinse vegetables, dry and cut into thin circles or slices.
  • Beat the air movements, add milk.
  • Baking Capacities Lubricate with sunflower oil, pour out chopped vegetables and connect with eggs, mix.
  • Bake under the lid for 6-7 minutes.

How to prepare an omelet in the microwave using a mug

Give omelet the original form is easy, for this enough to cook it in a circle! At the bottom of the tank, put a small piece of butter and melt into the microwave. Then add one egg, 2 tablespoons of milk and take up to a homogeneous mass. To give a satiety and fix the shape, add pieces of fresh bread, and on top of the cheese. Bake an egg omelet with an average power of 4 minutes. Bon Appetit!

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