Steam omelet - how to cook

Steam omelet - how to cook

The steam omelet is an impeccable dish for babies for kids or people with certain diseases. If you skillfully approach its preparation, the omelet will be very gentle, lush and without excess amount of oil. How to cook omelet to a couple in a slow cooker, a double boiler or a regular steam bath? Consider the features of the cooking of omelet in different ways on the example of classic, meat and vegetable recipes of this dish from eggs.

Steam Omelet Cooking Rules

  • Milk can be replaced with any liquid - weak broth, mineral water, cream.
  • Improve the taste of omelet with the help of seasonings should only be done at the end of its preparation directly in the plate.
  • So that Omelet turned out to be absolutely dietary, only proteins should be used.
  • Chicken eggs can be replaced with quail or can be combined.

Traditional steam oslet in a slow cooker

If you have a multicooker, you can make an excellent dietary omelet with its help.

For dishes you need:

  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Milk - 150 ml.
  • Creamy butter - 1-2 h. L.
  • Salt to taste.

Phased cooking:

  • Select the eggs into the deep container and using the mixer (and the blender with a wedge) is preaching them at least 20 seconds.
  • Do not turn off the mixer, satisfy the egg mass and pour the milk. Continue to beat another half a minute.
  • The container that easily enters the slow cooker, lubricate the oil, pour the egg-milk mixture there.
  • At the bottom of the bowl, place the metal grille, pour 200 ml of water and put the dishes with the egg mass.
  • Turn on the device for 20 minutes in the "Baking" or "pairs" mode.

Meat steam omelet in a double boiler

Diversify the everyday menu, you can prepare eggs with meat.


  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Milk - ¾ Art.
  • Beef meat - 300 g
  • Salt to taste.

How to cook:

  • Boiled meat with a blender grind or scroll through a meat grinder.
  • Connect eggs with milk, then satisfy.
  • Divide the egg mass into three equal parts.
  • 1/3 Part Pour the Paroirka bowl and put it to prepare for 5-7 minutes.
  • Next, to the second part of the loan meat and pour over the first layer. Posted to prepare for another 10 minutes.
  • Then pour the residue of the egg mixture into a double boiler and leave the omelet to be cut for 10 minutes

Vegetable steam oslet in a saucepan

Not trouble if you do not have the aforementioned household appliances. You can prepare an amazingly delicious omelet on a pair in a conventional small saucepan or a saucepan.


  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 1/3 cup.
  • Salt - 2 g (pinch).
  • Oil - 10 g


  • Eggs, milk and swelling to get a lush mass.
  • Add to her tomato sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes.
  • Sweep the resulting mixture and pour into a lubricated fat sackane.
  • Take a slightly larger diameter saucepan than the one in which the omelet, and fill it with water by 3-4 cm.
  • Put in it a skeleton with an egg mass and prepare an omelet on a water bath 12-15 minutes before hardening.

After you figured out the technology of cooking a steam omet, your dishes will always get an appetizing in appetizer and excellent taste. Using different recipes, you can feed your family with a pleasure and delicious dish at any time.

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