How to cook a lush omelet

How to cook a lush omelet

An unforgettable flavor of omelette Each of us remembers since childhood. Who has not tried it a magnificent, light, gentle and with this satisfying dish? There is a huge number of variations of the preparation of this Kushan, it is in many kitchens in the world, does not require a large set of ingredients and does not take a significant amount of time for cooking. It can be prepared in the microwave, a slow cooker, an oven, or a pan, squeeze in the form of a roll, cake with filling inside or ordinary pudding. Let's and we will learn to culinary wisdom, how can you cook a lush omelet.

The set of products for a classic omlet is quite simple - these are eggs, milk, salt, a bit of flour (with a reluctance it can not be added to the main mass) and oil. The number of eggs is taken on the basis of how much a person is preparing a dish, and the milk is calculated in proportion to an increase in the main product - usually 1 tbsp by one egg. l. milk. Eggs must be chilled, and the milk is slightly warm. Take oils as much as you need to lubricate the baking form. Important! If you use the fused milk, your finished dish will have an unsurpassed fragrance and a very gentle soft cream color.

Prepare products, prepare a set of necessary dishes. You will need:

  • two deep containers in which you will beat separately protein and yolks;
  • corn, fork, mixer or blender for whipping;
  • dishes with non-stick coating or ordinary frying pan with an even frying surface and a thick bottom.

Observing some simple rules when making an omelet, it will turn out to be air, lush and will never have a kind of wrinkled pancake. To be the result of your efforts is ideal:

  • Gently separate the yolks from the proteins, add the amount of milk to them the corresponding eggs and begin to beat them first. If you wish to get an omelet of a more dense consistency, pour flour (1 h. Per one egg).
  • Add some salt to proteins. Beat before the emergence of a stable foam, adhering to one direction.
  • Slowly pour into the proteins with a milk-yolk mass, adhering to the mixing of the same direction.
  • Add salt and spices that you love.
  • Pre-preheated tanks are abundant to create oil and slowly pour the prepared workpiece into it. Do not forget to cover the capacitance with a lid.
  • The preparation of omelet in a frying pan on the furnace should begin with feeding for a few seconds of large fire (the mass is actively rising at that time), which should then be reduced to the minimum indicator. Omelet baked until the upper layer thickening and the appearance of a pleasant golden crust on it. If you use the oven - the dish will be ready after 10 minutes of baking it at 180-200 degrees.
  • Laying the finished omelet should be exclusively on the warm plate. When the temperature of the dishes will differ stronger - your efforts will be unsuccessful. From the temperature difference, the omelet can be wrinkled and acquired a completely unappetic look.

If you prefer to experiment with taste, you can replace milk with sour cream, mayonnaise, water, kefir, cream or broth, and add your favorite products to the main mass. Putting instead of salt sugar powder, you will get a sweet omelet. At the final stage of cooking, reflecting the omelet greens, you will make a fragrant, colorful and useful dish.

If you follow your figure, then you will suit the recipe for the preparation of a classic omelet, without adding additional nutrient ingredients, such as sausage, cheese, seafood, jam or ham (which you need to fry in a pan, significantly increasing its calorie content. From possible Omelet Cooking Options Choose the most acceptable for you.

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